ITs Abomination

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We are ACTing lITTle

That's why I capitalized IT.

Let me Go all the way back

& Break IT down.

Real is what the Collective believe IS but Sense,

I meant but Since, the Learning System

has Bullied the Collective  into believing What's REal and What's False.

To Keep ignoring their own senses....

Then what im going to say next.?..

You Might ASW say IT.

Like "You Didnt even Get IT." -.-

That is..Unless You have a strong

- will power

- Ability to innerstand or at least be open minded like Letting Your Imagination Run Wild

- Having Mustard Seed of Faith

& Belief that Faith Should TOO be Blind knowing someTIMES 

The Answer will not always gonna be in Yo face like

ITs Shape Shifting Proud.

- Having Perseverance; 

sense damn ;i meant ssSince, you not being Real ? you'll be casted out.

- Im talking bout  having the ability to stand Alone & Taking the Scenic route.

- Taking Responsibility; Remembering that we ALL just learning;

just on Different DIScovery Channels.

- so, To be ready to be called crazy , psycho and a psychopath. 

While also keep remembering that Your Not;

Your just NOT trying to be IT.

Moving Truly Different...

You Famous for being a Fighter/ Fed Up FINALLY with Life Traps.

Otherwise, You're the Clown

  Tagging Others to be IT

cuz You too Afraid to Tell.

IT is really a Representation

of Fear like in that Movie.

I see the Game of Life as ITs game.

Im just talking...I know.

I didn't really explain IT...

but Pay Attention Now.

The clown: is  beings dark sides;

more specifically their ego and pride

That can Shapeshift making you think you're not wrong.

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