Chapter 1

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26 year old ,Lucy Chen ,was 7 months into her 13 month probationary period as a rookie officer for the LAPD. She is married to Emmet Lang, who is in the Marine Corps. Together they had a 2 year old daughter, Gianna Grace Lang.

GG has always been a ray of sunshine since the day she was born. Lucy remembers the first time she held her daughter. She looked into her eyes and saw a small smile from the tiny little girl she was holding. Gia was an easy baby, she barely cried, and loved to snuggle. Even as she started walking and talking, she still had that same smile on her face. Although Gia had some health concerns, that never stopped her from being happy. Lucy was worried most of the time because her daughter had incidents where she couldn't breathe and everything would go dark, but no matter how many doctors they seen, they never figured out what wrong with her.

Lucy had also found out she was pregnant 1 week prior to today's events. She had an appointment scheduled for next week to see the baby for the first time. She was getting ready to tell her husband, but she didn't get the chance.

Chen preferred to keep her personal life a secret. Therefore, nobody from the station knew that she was married or had a daughter. Even when she was buried alive 3 months ago. Emmet was home at the time before he got deployed and Lucy made it clear she didn't want any visitors, so she could have that time with her husband and daughter. She did very well at compartmentalising her personal and work life.

One shiny morning during roll call, 3 military men knocked on the glass doors, interrupting Sergeant Wade Grey while he was talking. He waved the men in who were holding flowers, a flag, and a picture of a man. "What can I do for you." Grey said after pausing in the middle of roll call. The men walked towards Lucy. ""The commandant of the Marine Corps has entrusted me to express his deep regret that Emmet Lang was killed in action early this morning. Again we are so deeply sorry for your loss."

Everyone was confused. Grey had dismissed everybody due to the current events. Everyone left except Tim Bradford who is Lucy's training officer. Lucy's best friend Jackson. John Nolan, another friend of hers, and their training officers, Nyla and Angela.

Lucy had zoned out while there were tears flowing down her face as she held the flag in her lap while hugging the picture of her husband. Jackson tried to talk to her, while everyone watched, but she wasn't brought out of her daze until her phone started ringing. When she looked at her phone and seen that her daughter's babysitter was calling, she started to panic and immediately answered the phone.


Lucy- "Is it an emergency? Is everything okay? Please tell me." she pleaded as she had tears coming down her eyes.

Janet- "I'm sorry, but she had another breathing incident. I called for the ambulance immediately. We are at the hospital."

Lucy- "It can't be good. That's the e second one this week. Look I don't care about my job right now. I'll be there soon." she said with tears down her face leaving her uniform soaking wet.

••Call Ends••

Her friends and the training officers were still standing in the roll call room with her, along with Sergeant Grey. When Lucy hung up the phone she immediately went to Sergeant Grey, who was talking in the corner with the training officers.

Lucy- "I have an emergency. I understand that as a rookie, I don't get time off, but this is more important than my job."

Grey- "Of course go. It seems important, but I need an explanation later."

Lucy- "Yeah" she said as she sprinted to the locker room at full speed

When Lucy arrived to the Children's Hospital, she ran through the doors to the nurses desk asking where her daughter was. "Can I get her name?" Nurse Lockwood asked. "Gianna Lang" "She's in treatment 4" "Thank you"

Lucy rushed into the treatment room where she seen her daughter hooked up to oxygen. She had an IV in her hand to give her fluid and they pushed meds for her to sleep. Lucy was sitting in a chair next to her daughter's bed when a doctor walked in.

Doctor- "Are you Lucy Chen-Lang?"

Lucy- "Yes."

Doctor- "I'm Doctor Arizona Robbins. I'm looking at her medical history and it shows that she is in the emergency room frequently."

Lucy- "She has these breathing incidents. Her breathing gets heavy and everything goes black. Nobody has been able to find out what's wrong with her."

Doctor- "I would like to run some tests. Don't worry I will not stop until I find out what's been happening."

Lucy- "Thank you so much"

Doctor- "Do you know of any other symptoms she is having?"

Lucy- "She's complained about her tummy hurting many of times, but every time we went to the hospital they couldn't figure out the problem."

Doctor- "Okay. Let's start with a MRI and X-Ray" she said to the nurse. "We are gonna hold off on a CT as it would expose her to more radiation than we would want. I'll be back to take her up shortly."

Dr. Robbin's leave the treatment room. Lucy sat back down next to her daughter. Lucy had been exhausted from going to work, dealing with her hard-ass training officer, spending at least a day a week in the hospital, all while hiding her personal life from her colleagues. Lucy woke up to Dr. Robbin's tapping her shoulder. She was ready to take Lucy's daughter to get scans. After the doctor wheeled her to get scans, Lucy checked her phone and seen 5 missed calls from her watch commander and 2 from her training officer along with a text.

••Ofc. Bradford•• Text••

Tim- You better have hell of an excuse for taking the day off as a rookie

Lucy ignored his text and called Grey.


Grey- Sergeant Grey speaking

Lucy- Hello sir

Grey- Chen. Is everything alright.

Lucy- Yes. Well I don't know. I might need another day off.

Grey- As you know, rookies do not get time off, so I would need a good reason to give it to you.

Lucy- I'm at the hospital. It's a family matter. Do you need any more reasoning than that?

Grey- No. Take all the time you need.

Lucy- Thank you sir.

••Call Ends••

Eventually Dr. Robbins brought again a back into the room. They drew some blood for tests. Hours later the doctor came back into the room with the results of the scans.

Lucy- "Do you have the results?"

Doctor- "Yes and unfortunately nothing showed up. I would hate to put your daughter through an endoscopy and colonoscopy at such a young age, so I'm gonna go over the symptoms that she had and I may ask you for more information. I will also look over these scans a hundred times if that's what it takes."

Lucy- "Thank you"

Doctor- "You said she was feeling pain in her tummy. Do you know where?"

Lucy- "Her right side"

Doctor- "How long has this been going on"

Lucy- "A couple months maybe? 5 or 6"

Doctor- "I'm gonna take a closer look at the scans. Try and find something that maybe was too small to see before"

Hours had came and went. Lucy was laid up in bed with her daughter. It was 11pm and Lucy had finally fell asleep. The doctor hadn't come back with any news.

Should I do a chapter 2?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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