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Gunnar stalked into the interrogation room, the door falling shut behind him with a soft click, and slapped the case file, which he had yet to read but had been fully debriefed on down on the table.

His face was completely, eerily blank of emotion. Gone was the happy smile from the airport. Gone was the awful snarl from the cage. No. Here, he felt nothing and everything all at once. He was enraged, unhinged, and he wanted to play with the new toy he had been so kindly gifted. Especially since Hank Voight had so kindly told him anything he wanted to do was on the table.

The younger man, Randall, leaned away. He was already afraid, which brought a spark of delight to Gunnar. That was a good start.

Gunnar walked around the table, hands clenching and relaxing, reflexively so he could keep his head for as long as possible. His chest heaved with the effort of holding himself back from simply attacking, but he knew they needed information, and then he could do whatever he wanted. Gunnar stopped, the toes of his boots touching the legs of Randall's chair, and then, in a movement so fast it was impossible to predict, he kicked the chair with all his might, sensing it out from under Randall and flying against the wall where it broke. The back rest rebounded towards Randall and landed on his stomach leaving him winded, all four legs went to the four corners of the room and the seat bounced off the wall and landed on the table, skidding across it and falling to the floor with a metallic clang.

"Holy shit! Oh, shit! Oh, shit! Man, listen, I didn't do anything..." Randall's voice drifted in Gunnar's head. He received every word but wasn't interested in being taken in by his bullshit story. So, instead, he examined him.

Randall was tall, not as tall as Buck, but he would certainly brush shoulders with Matt or Jay. He was dark-skinned with brown eyes that were already turning bloodshot as tears leaked from the corners. Gunnar leaned over him, planting his foot on the back rest and pressing down until Randall let out a sob, eyes full of fear.

"Get up, Randall." He barked, using the same foot to kick the piece of metal off the younger man. Randall didn't move. "I said," Gunnar reached down, gripping a handful of Randall's hair and yanking him upwards. "Get up, Randall!" He yelled directly into his ear before throwing Randall back to the floor and stepping away.

He rounded the table to the opposite side, leaning back, one shoulder resting on the mirrored wall behind him.

"Now, you know where we stand." Gunnar's voice rumbled across the room, Randall buckling underneath it. "You are going to tell me who you work for. And," Gunnar raised his index finger into the air to silence the other man whose mouth had already fallen open to fill the room with more lies. "For every lie you have told me, and every lie you tell me from now on, I am going to break one of your bones." There was an audible gulp, a shaky breath, and then Randall squared himself off.

He straightened himself up to full height, crossing his arms over his chest to make the soft muscles in his biceps appear more solid. His jaw clenched, despite its still noticeable tremble, and his face becoming entirely expressionless which would have been impressive had it not been for the tear tracks that were already present and the overwhelming fear in his very expressive eyes.

Gunnar laughed loudly.

"What're you laughing about, Short Ass?" Randall made a valiant effort to sound tough. He even went the extra mile to turn and take a step towards the man until his legs were pressed tightly against his side of the table. But his voice shook, and he sounded breathy due to his tears, which were still falling, belying everything about the way he was holding himself.

Gunnar strolled forward, touching his hips to the side of the table closest to him. For a moment, he remained still, staring Randall straight in the eyes with a sharp smirk. Then, his hand shot out and gripped one of Randall's wrists tightly. He pulled Randall's hand up in front of his face and pinched the pinky finger at the second knuckle, jerking it to the side to snap the bone. Randall screamed, and Gunnar chuckled. He moved to the ring finger and repeated the process.

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