just kinda living

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Started being offline more and reading actual books. Fanfic is nice because it's about characters I like, but I have gotten to the point where I don't read actual books anymore. So I started. Picked two random books I have. So I'm reading "Tales of Edgar Allan Poe", and "(Money, Sex, and Scandal) The Great Texas Murder Trials". Both pretty interesting so far.

Started buying clothing I want and have been working for more money to buy more clothing and even some new boots that I want. I got two of the pieces of clothing today, corset and blouse. They are the only things that make me feel pretty now.

Anyway, that's all. Not much to report on, but I'm going to be gone for about 3 weeks to start getting my life together. So cya.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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