⭐️ Chapter 1: What's to come ahead ⭐️

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As you walk through the kingdom's big gates, your mouth opens in a gasp from pure amazement of the sight before you. There were so many different stands, buildings, definitely space to go around on the paths, and not to mention the joyful faces of many people.
'Now this, this is what I call a real kingdom!' You thought to yourself, still examining your surroundings. Many people passed you as you started your journey in these very castle grounds.
Your eyes glanced at many interesting small shop stands filled with small lines of customers in between large buildings. You only had $127 left, you knew you'd have to spend it wisely. Your eye gets caught on an average looking hotel, and you just had to pray prices were cheap.. Either way, you knew you had to start a job immediately. You decide to walk towards the hotel and begin to walk inside when you get shouldered by a man passing by through the doors on his way outside. Of course, Inazuman people don't like outsiders. But, how did he know I was an outsider? Most likely my dirty clothes, huh... Almost forgetting what you came in for, you shake away your thoughts and fully walk in. You speed walked towards the receptionist's desk, then asked for prices on singular rooms.
"$56 per night, but sorry for the inconvenience; you have to share with another person due to how few rooms we have available currently. Is that okay ma'am?" The receptionist spoke, with a slight smile. You slightly nod, prices here were way cheaper than your home kingdom at the least, it didn't hurt anything to share a room.
"Alright, I suppose that's fine. May I have a key for it?"
"Sure, may I have a name for that?"
"Thank you. I'll get you your key."
With a quick nod, you reach inside your pocket and search for your $50 dollar bill, along with a $6 and $1. Once you'd sorted it out, you placed the money down on the desk politely and slid it towards the woman.
"Yes, here you are. Thank you for your purchase! You may call down for any inconvenience during your stay." The woman hands you a key to the room, and you politely bow as a thank you.

You walked towards the hallway with the elevator, as the information on the key said '2nd floor, 12th room'. You hop inside the elevator after pushing the button to go up. The door closes and you wait as the elevator slowly goes up, faint elevator music traveling through your ears. When it comes to a sudden stop after a moment and the elevator doors reopen, you shrug past two other people and step onto the red carpeted floors of the hallways. You look side to side and examine the numbers next to the doors, and look to see 12. A sharp exhale comes from your lips once you realize again you'd have to share a hotel room with another person you've never even met before. With the key in your hand you reach for the doornob's lock hole, and twist it to open it. Immediately you hear a bang from the other side of the door- You figured that you just hit someone with the door...

"Oops," you mumble to yourself.

"Ouch, what was that for?" A voice complaints from below, and you peek inside to see who it was.
"Oh my, i'm terribly sorry, I should have knocked first before entering..." You say to the man on the floor rubbing his head in pain, who had dark maroon hair with emerald colored irises; you also noticed he had 2 dark moles on either sides underneath of his eyes. He looked up to meet your stare, and got up to fully open the door and greet you with a genuine smile. He still had one hand on the back of his head on where you'd hit, yet the other hand out for a handshake. You offered him your hand as well, waiting for an introduction from him.

"I'm Heizou, Heizou Shikanoin. I'm pleased to meet you." He said as he shook your hand gently.
"It's nice to meet you, Heizou. You may call me Y/N." You said with kind intentions, and stepped completely through the door frame before looking around to see the room.
First thing you noticed, though- was the singular bed. When she said you'd be sharing with a complete stranger in a singular room, you had assumed we'd at least have separate beds!
Heizou chuckled when he noticed your reaction to it.

"I also had the same reaction when I first booked in this hotel, but the floor is just as comfy, so if you're uncomfortable sleeping in the same bed I could sleep on the floor." The red haired man explained, walking past you and went to sit on the bed with his green eyes on yours.
"I- I don't really mind, as long as we um.. Distance ourselves? I wouldn't want you to sleep on the floor if there's an optional bed right in front of you. Though, it's totally up to you obviously-" you quickly ramble, your eyes searching anywhere except for his.
"Anything is fine with me." He replied with a quick wink, which you completely noticed; since of course you had to look up at him as soon as he did so.
"Then I'll be taking the side closest to the window, I suppose." You gave a slight grin, it honestly didn't bother you as long as the both of you didn't touch, at most. Taking your bag off your shoulder, you placed it on the bed, and unzipped it to unpack what little supplies you had in it. Heizou peeked over from where he sat into your bag and raised his eyebrows.

"Wow, are you a traveler?"
"Why do you think I'm here in the first place?"
"Actually, I have no idea. What's your story?"
You fell silent for a moment, and shrugged.
"I'll tell you later."

You finish unpacking soon after. You set 7 items on the bed; 2 shirts, a sweater, shorts plus a pair of sweatpants, a hairbrush, a blanket, and an extra pair of shoes. You had gotten water along the way here, and didn't think to carry food with you since there were shops every few miles.
Heizou plopped down onto his back with his head and shoulders on a pillow, his arms behind his neck with crossed legs. You glance at him then back to ur bag, as you fold your clothes neatly and put them on top of your side's nightstand. After placing the access clothes down and taking back a change of a shirt and shorts, you head to the bathroom and put down your brush somewhere on the counter. Glancing at the shower curtain, you look back to the mirror and realize how filthy and tired you look. Dust and dirt all over ur face, small rips here and there on your pants and sweatshirt, and of course a rats nest of knots in your hair.
No wonder that man purposely shouldered me, you thought.
You reach for the doorknob to close the bathroom, but peek back out to let Heizou know what you'd be doing for the next 30 minutes.
"I'm going into the shower, and it's going to be a little since I haven't had a good rest in a week. I'll be out soon enough."

"Without me?"

Both of your eyes lock.


Flustered, you slam the door shut in panic and lock it immediately. Who the hell asks to shower with someone you'd JUST met 10 minutes ago?
"Yes, without you, bastard!" You shout back finally after pausing to process. "Proceeding on! That short conversation never happened..." You mumbled to yourself.
You quickly hopped into the shower shortly after stripping, and enjoyed every second of the perfect temperature water going down your back and a/c hair.
After the shower, you wrapped a long towel around your body just below your neck, and brushed your hair until it was silky. After brushing and drying your hair till it wasn't dripping anymore, you swapped your clothes into the change you had brought before the shower. You looked back to the mirror, enjoying how clean you finally looked after your long journey. Opening the door to search for Heizou, you found he was dead asleep. How long did I stay there for him to already be asleep? You looked to the clock that read '12:56 AM' and hurriedly walked over to your side of the bed. Carefully climbing onto the soft mattress hoping not to wake up Heizou, you lay on your side and get under the blanket; back facing Heizou's face. Your eyes drift shut, followed by a heavy sleep.

A/N: Heyo! Reminder i'm still learning so tips are appreciated! Any grammars will be fixed if pointed out, if I think it will help. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter, 2nd chapter in progress currently! See you next chapter if you stick around :) 🫶

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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