Chapter two: Disappearances

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Beatrice slept soundlessly that night, peaceful chirps of owls went on in the night, it helped Beatrice sleep better. But she wasn't pleasant was when Lily nervously paced around the room, muttering some gibberish about her classes.
"Okay, Lily, it's okay, you got this. How hard can flying on a broom be? Merlin's beard this is terrifying." Lily continued to pace, making Beatrice more irritated by the second,
"Lily, please, it's like five in the morning." Beatrice mumbled groggily.
"It's not five! Not even close to five! It's two in the morning! Seriously, Beatrice."
"The more the reason for you to shut up." Beatrice rolled over on her bed, smashing a pillow against her ear, faint sounds of Lily's complaining was still nagging in her ear. Beatrice just knew the other girls in their dormitory were equally annoyed. But when she glanced over towards them they were nowhere to be seen.
"Lily..." Beatrice sat up, pulling her covers off,
"What is it?" Lily asked, finally stopping her pacing.
"Where's  Maddison, Ariana, and Sydney?" Beatrice blinked, making sure her vision wasn't playing tricks on her.
"I don't know, and I don't care." Lily hissed, continuing to pace and mutter. Beatrice laid back down and grabbed her covers over her chest. Beatrice just recalled Lily was always grumpy in the mornings, by sunrise she probably would be bouncing on the castle walls with excitement.

"Beatrice..." a hand was jabbing into Beatrice's side, "Beatrice!"
"Mmm, what?" Beatrice groaned, opining her eyes to see Lily anxiously watching her.
"It's time to go down to breakfast." Lily said, "all the other Gryffindors are already eating, I'd imagine so are the other Houses."
Beatrice held up a finger and groggily said, "One sec..."
"There's no 'one sec!' Everyone would take all the food before we arrive. Now, get up!" Lily ordered, bossily. She yanked the covers off of Beatrice and marched up to the other side of Beatrice's bed, threatening to take away her pillow too.
"Okay, okay." Beatrice stumbled out of her bed, "are you always so bossy in the mornings?"
"Only when I haven't had breakfast yet, and have to wait for my friend to get up before we
go." Lily looked accusingly at Beatrice, who slid her robes on over her nightgown. Beatrice smiled at the fact that Lily called her a friend. They walked out of their dormitory, and entered the common room, Beatrice was still feeling drowsy. But Lily skipped her way to the Great Hall forcing Beatrice to pick up her pace. It looked exactly the same as it did last time they were there, except that the food had changed, biscuits, jam, sausages and eggs were neatly laid out on the tables. Most of it was eaten, but some saved for Beatrice and Lily. The two girls took there seats and began to serve themselves food from the dishes in the middle. Beatrice watched as Lily hungrily ate the food, making sure to wipe off any crumbs around her mouth. Beatrice also ate, not as aggressively as Lily, since she wasn't that hungry. They both stayed a bit longer to finish their food, meanwhile the other students left or get to their classes.
"We're going to be late!" Lily whimpered as they ran down the halls, desperate to get to there class on time.
"Ahem." A tall elderly woman stood before them, that Beatrice recognized as Professor McGonagall. "No running in my halls."
"Sorry, Headmistress." Beatrice lowered her head, but Lily stepped on Beatrice's foot and Beatrice immediately looked up. Professor McGonagall had left. Ugh, embarrassing! Beatrice thought, and they both speed walked to their destination.
"I think this is it." Lily sighed, "Potions class."  Beatrice nodded and they both entered the room
"Late students." Professor Slughorn, the potions teacher muttered, "take your seats." They obeyed.
"Now, shall we continue...?" Professor Slughorn asked the class, and they all nodded, but when Lily and Slughorn's eyes met, Beatrice was convinced Professor Slughorn did a little jump, "a Potter! In my class!" Slughorn exclaimed excitedly. "You see, I was your father's favorite teacher! Im pleased to have you in our class."
"Um, thanks!" Lily said, a bit proudly.
"Mhm, sorry students. Now we can continue, please, open your books to page 17." Professor Slughorn ordered, "you, Kira Korr, read the first paragraph."
Beatrice recognized it was the girl from the train, the rude one.
"Of course." Kira smiled sweetly, she began to read, projecting her voice to the class, and Beatrice silently read along with her. Once Kira finished, Slughorn called on another girl, Sidney. Beatrice lurched upwards, she was curious about where Sydney and her other roommates had gone last night.
"Um..." Sydney adjusted her glasses and leaned onward to get a closer look at the book, "Once stirred, add in Toad sliver—no liver." The class groaned with disgust, "erm... then crush up leaves and sprinkle it into the pot. Uh, repeat those steps again, then begin to stir, clockwise—no, counterclockwise."
"Okay, now Jaden Geom." Slughorn said, and Jaden read it more smoothly, stumbling over a few words, but Beatrice could still understand what Jaden had said.
"Beatrice Panklton, ah, I knew your mother. Smart one, she was." Slughorn said,
"Once all ingredients added, make sure the potions turned brown before adding a cut up stem. Then get your spoon and pour a small amount into a small bottle." Beatrice read,
"You don't need to do the last part, just add the cut up stems and your finished." Professor Slughorn said. "You may work in pairs, but you must finish before class ends! Chop chop, you only have fifteen minutes." Lily scurried to we're Beatrice was in the class, Beatrice already knew they were partners. The rest of the class picked their partners, everyone was facing Slughorn.
"What are you waiting for? Get going, I'm not going to baby you and walk you through it." Everyone opened their books to do the steps while Slughorn monitored the class.
"Ok, so we first have to add walnut shells into the cauldron... Beatrice, would you take the nut out of the walnut shell?" Beatrice obeyed. She held the walnut firmly against the table and grabbed the nearest knife, which happened to be the largest. She pressed it against the walnut, careful not to pierce any of her fingers. She gasped and flinched back when the walnut went flying off the table.
"Try using your hands." Lily said, not looking up from her potions book. Beatrice nodded, and bent down to pick up the walnut. She balled her hand into a fist with the walnut inside. Her fingers were tightly clenched around it, but still the walnut wouldn't break open.
"Would it do anything if we just also added the nut?" Beatrice asked, placing the walnut down on the table. She flexed her fingers around it felt stiff from gripping it too long. No answer. So Beatrice thought what harm would it be to also add the nut? Beatrice grabbed the walnut and dropped it into the cauldron. Lily squeaked as foam began to bubble inside the pot, the whipped her head around to glare at Beatrice accusingly.
"The instructions specifically said to only add the shell!" Lily said, furious, she slammed her hands on the table. Everyone turned towards them. Lily immediately felt regretful and looked down at the flaming cauldron.
"Sorry..." Lily muttered, Beatrice could tell Lily was ashamed of herself for drawing attention towards them, and for yelling at Beatrice.
"It's fine, I should've listened to the instructions." Beatrice smiled, feeling a bit uneasy about the unwanted attention. Lily smiled back, it was thin, but it was something.

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