Chapter three: The Secret Society

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Lily screamed, and Beatrice kicked the person behind her, forcing them to let go. Lily did the same. The other students broke down to groups, whispering and nervously glancing at them,
"Nobody knows....." one whispered,
"How did they find out?" Said another,
"Merlin's beard were screwed."
"What's going on here?" Lily demanded. "And why are you chattering like lost owls?"
"At least it's the Potter girl who found out, not so sure who that stranger is though." A student whispered to another.
"Lily!" A older boy's voice came from behind them,
"James!" Lily ran over towards him, "what are you doing here? And who are they?"
"It's..." he glanced at the others, then bent down to whisper to Lily, barley loud enough for Beatrice to hear. "Remember what dad used to tell us? The organization he made, Dumbledore's Army."
"Dumbledore's Army?" Lily squealed.
"Shh!" James looked at Beatrice,
"She's my friend." Lily said firmly, "if I get to know, then she gets to too."
"Okay..." James eyed Beatrice suspiciously, with a daring glint in his eyes. "I guess now that you know, you can join us."
"Oh, yes!" Lily squeaked, grabbing a hold of Beatrice's arm.
"Do you know what Dumbledore's Army is?" James asked,
"Uh-" Beatrice started but was cut off by Lily,
"Well, duh, she knows what Dumbledore's Army is!" Lily rolled her eyes,
"I really don't." Beatrice said quietly, and Lily gave her a surprised glance as James cleared his throat, in an act of victory against Lily.
"So-" James began,
"I'll tell Beatrice what it is, later." Lily said, leaving Beatrice thinking that girl really has a habit on interrupting people. There was a awkward pause, and, of course, Lily was the first to break it. "Does mum and dad know about this?"
"Er... yeah."
"Are you sure?"
"Positive." James said,
"So you wouldn't mind if I send Dad a owl about Dumbledore's Army?"
"Please don't."
"So they don't know?" Says Lily.
"What do you think? Dad would shut it down immediately and Mum would go berserk." James said, and Lily giggled a bit.
"Is Albus here?" Lily asked, looking around for her Slytherin brother. Beatrice also looked around, and noticed everyone in the room was wearing Gryffindor robes.
"Is Dumbledore's Army for Gryffindors only?" Beatrice asked,
"It is now." James replied,
"That's unfair! What about all the other houses? What about Albus, James?" Lily protested,
"Screw the other houses, they aren't Gryffindor. And about Albus, I heard he can't do magic, plus, he's in Slytherin."
"So..." James scoffed, "I can't be seen with a Slytherin squib."
"That's mean, James."
"And? The clubs fine the way it is, might be a little more difficult with two new people, but nothing we can't handle." James looked at Beatrice and Lily, sizing them up. 
"Why did Maddie, Ariana, and Sydney get to join before we did." Lily asked,
"Merlin's beard, I'd trust a drunk owl better than you." James sneered, "you'd just rat me out to dad."
"When did I ever do that?!"
"That one time, when I was stealing Albus's chocolate frogs in my invisibility cloak-"
"I didn't snitch on you! I just stepped on your cloak—that's why you were going to Albus's room?"
James scoffed, not buying it. And Lily also looked annoyed, while Beatrice was just standing next to Lily, yawning. Beatrice was tired, she felt as if she hadn't slept in days.
"Can we go to bed now?" Beatrice whispered,
"If your too tired, then you shouldn't join our group!" James said,
"We're not tired!" Lily objected, nudging Beatrice in the shoulder.
"Well I guess I'm not fit enough to join." Beatrice decided, another yawn coming to her.
"Beatrice!" Lily grabbed on to Beatrice's night robe.
"Sorry Lily." Beatrice walked towards the wall and it opened, showing her the halls of Hogwarts. Beatrice walked out of the room and looked back. It already closed. Once Beatrice was in her dormitory she had no problem going straight to bed. She slowly drifted into her soft sheets and fluffy pillow, she lifted her blanket on top of her, falling asleep quickly.

"So, how was Dumbledore's Army?" Beatrice said the next morning at breakfast, making sure to say it quietly so only Lily could hear.
"It was fine." Lily said simply, adding scrambled eggs to her plate.
"Fine?" Beatrice echoed, "is that it?"
"James said I can't tell anyone about the society."
"But you said 'if I get to know then she gets to know' to James!"
"That's because I thought you'd join."
"What's the difference, I already know about it, and you know I won't tell anyone."
"Just saying what James said." Lily muttered twiddling her fork with her fingers. Beatrice didn't say anything afterwards, the girls still stuck together while walking to their class, but the morning was silent between them. Beatrice couldn't tell if Lily was mad at her, and she didn't want to ask because she knew that Lily would deny it or snap at her. Their first class was Herbology, and they were greeted by a man with oddly positioned teeth.
"Hello, you must be Lily Potter! Harry told me about you, I'm Professor Longbottom."
"Hi." Lily smiled,
"And you are?" Professor Longbottom turned to Beatrice, with the same amount of enthusiasm in his voice.
"Beatrice." Beatrice said, Copying Lily with the smile. Professor Longbottom went to the front of the class and cleared his throat, getting the classes attention.
"Hello class, I am Professor Longbottom." He said warmly. Beatrice turned when she heard a girl snicker. It was Kira. She and her friends were quietly cackling at the teacher's name. Professor Longbottom flinched at the laughter but continued just as brightly like nothing happened,"Today you will learn about the plants to avoid. We will also be going outside to look at the Whomping Willow."
Lily squealed with excitement and Beatrice wished she could share the enthusiasm, but she had no idea what was the Whomping Willow, but Beatrice didn't have to ask because a boy behind her asked,
"What's the Whomping Willow?"
"Good question! The Whomping Willow is a tree with branches that dangerously slaps through the air, it would most certainly break your bones if it whacks you. But we will be not going close to the tree." Professor Longbottom reassured, Beatrice gasped with excitement, she hadn't ever heard of a tree like that, because, of course, she was muggle born. "Now, before we go, I would like to go over the rules."
"Rules? On visiting a tree?" Kira scoffed, adding an eye rule for extra insult.
"Yes, rules." Professor Longbottom repeated, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone. "Firstly, no students will be anywhere close to the tree." He glanced at Kira before continuing, "and I expect no funny business. I wouldn't want anyone to be getting injured, nor would I want anyone to act like wild pixies."
"What would a pixie do?" Kira sneered,
"A pixie could do many things, for example, lift you by your ears and hang you on the chandelier..." Professor Longbottom shuddered, Beatrice recalled it probably happened to him. "Now. Are we ready to go, or must I go over the rules again?"
"We're ready." The class said, almost in sync. They headed out of the room and walked down the grassy hill, approaching a tree that looked not harmful.
"Stay behind me." Professor Longbottom said, spreading his arms out so no student could go past him.
"It's not doing anything." A kid complained, disappointed. Beatrice didn't let out a frown, she didn't want to match with the majority of the class.
"Now, now, I'm sure it would—" Professor Longbottom stopped when he saw someone throw a branch at the tree. The tree swung one of its branches at it and swiftly broke it in half, the class gasped, but Professor Longbottom frowned, his eyes narrowed, furious.
"Who did that?"
Everyone shrugged,
"I specifically told everyone not to play around. If one of those branches hits your face, it's lights out." Professor Longbottom looked dead serious, it was intimidating to look at his face, so Beatrice looked at her shoes and silently tugged at her robes. She could her soft murmuring being silenced by Professor Longbottom, Beatrice wasn't scared of him, she just was more disappointed in herself, even though she didn't do anything. "Everyone back inside, looks like we can't handle this." The class obeyed, they hurried inside, especially since the clouds started to form together, and produced raindrops to fall onto them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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