Chapter 3: Fight

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The next few weeks Korra has been hanging with the gang more. She got more comfortable with them, especially Asami. They all became great friends. Now they were at lunch. "Did you guys hear? There was another accident with the LRW!" Wu said. "Yeah, I heard. It was another fight against a gang. The gang was taken down. They must be strong," Opal said and Korra froze. "Yeah, how can one person take down a whole gang? They'd have to be inhuman," Mako said and Korra started to cough. She got up and went to the bathroom. Everyone noticed that she was acting strange. "I'll go check on her," Asami said and they nodded.

Korra went into the bathroom to stall and lifted her shirt to find bruises all over. She was in pain and it hurt when she touched it. She winced in pain and then heard the door open. "Korra? You okay?" Asami asked. "Yeah, just hit my side on the table," Korra said and walked out the stall. They walked out to see Kuvira at the lunch table. Korra growled, "What are you doing here?" "I can't see hey to an old friend," Kuvira smirked. "We're not friends," Korra said. "Well, my boys and I are throwing a party in a few days. You should come. Later, guys," Kuvira said and left. "I'm not fucking going," Korra said. "Korra, you should go!" Bolin said. "No, I'm not going. No way in hell," Korra said

The rest of the day they were in class when Tahno came up to Korra. "Hey, mutt!" He laughed and Korra couldn't take it anymore. She grabbed his collar and pushed him against the wall. "What did you just call me?" She asked. "You heard me, mutt!" He laughed. "Don't you ever call me a mutt!" Korra said. "Why not? That's what you are! A stupid, ugly, worthless, weak, filthy, street dog! MUTT!" He said and Korra punched him. The class was silent. "I said I wasn't a goddamn mutt," Korra said. "What are you going to do about it? Your little friend is still missing and we don't want her to get hurt!" The guy said, hitting Korra in the gut. She dropped him and grabbed her stomach and he kicked her. "Ah!" She said and he walked up to her. "Ha! That hurts huh? With all those bruises from the last fight! You are a mutt!" Tahno said and was about to step on her but she stopped him. "You know the only mutt I see here is you!" Korra said as she got up and punched him. She swung her leg and caught him with a kick. He charged in and got in a few hits. Korra dodged most of them. Then she punched him in the gut really hard to make him pass out. "I'm not a fucking mutt, asshole. I'm a wolf. You're the mutt," Korra said and fell back to the ground. But Asami caught her. 

The teacher ran to get Kya and Pema. "That's what you get when you mess with our girl, Korra! Bitch!" Wu said and Korra painfully chuckled then winced. "Korra, are you okay?" Opal asked. "I am fine- Ah!" Korra grabbed her side in pain. She had blood spilling from her mouth. "Korra!" Asami said and Kya, Pema, Tenzin, and Bumi rushed in. They lifted her shirt to see bruises and a purple spot that was slowly getting bigger on her side. "Ah! What the hell did he put into me- Ah!" Korra was in a lot of pain. "Hey, kid you're going to be alright. Just hold on tight," Bumi said and they got her up. "You guys grab the boy and follow us!" Lena said and they did. 

They all ran to the hospital that was a block down. They went in. "We'll take care of them," Kya said and everyone else waited outside in the waiting room. An hour later Kya came out. "Is she alright?" Asami asked. "The boy is just knocked out. Korra missed all his vital organs on purpose. Korra on the other hand is beaten and battered pretty badly. She has cuts, bruises, and a few broken ribs on her right side. She's been through a lot already and it looks like when they were fighting he might have stabbed something into her, like poison. Because she's getting sick and it looks like it just started. Right now, she's unconscious but should wake up soon. We took the poison out to the best of our abilities but it's really all up to her immune system if she can keep fighting to survive. We did what we could. If she doesn't wake up soon then..." Kya said and they gasped.

 They went to go see her and she was still unconscious. They went up to her and Asami grabbed her hand. They started talking. "Korra! Don't die please!" Opal cried. "Yeah, we only just met you but we don't want to lose you," Bolin said. "You're like the older sister I never had. You became a part of the family!" Jinora said. "Come on, kid. You're stronger than this!" Bumi said. "Yeah, you mean way too much to us! So you can't die yet!" Asami gripped Korra's hand. "Dios mío. Let a person sleep. Y'all are too goddamn loud," Korra said and they were all happy. Jinora and Asami jumped onto Korra. "Korra! You're alive!" "Of course I am alive. Takes more than that to kill me," Korra chuckled. "Don't ever scare us like that!" Asami and hugged Korra. Korra froze but then smiled and hugged her back. "No promises but I'll try," Korra said and everyone else awed. They quickly let each other go and looked away.

Korra got up and left up the side of her shirt. To reveal a giant gash on her side. They all gasped. "Korra! What happened? When did that happen?" They asked. "Crap, the covering must have fallen off. Uh. It's nothing, really," Korra said. "Like hell. It's a giant gash and doesn't look like it has healed properly!" Kya said. "It's fine. I have had it since I was a kid. Don't worry," Korra said. "How many times has the wound opened up?" Pema asked. "Not that much," Korra said, trying to get up but fell to her knees. Kya ran over and saw blood coming from her side. "Korra, how long have you had this and how did you get this?" Kya asked. "I was only... 10 years old..." Korra said, breathing heavily. "Get some bandages! She's losing too much blood!" Kya said and they did. Korra's vision got blurry from the loss of blood. They were able to stop the bleeding in time. 

"Korra, you gotta get some rest," Asami said and Korra nodded, then there was a knock on the door. Korra growled and looked towards the door. They noticed and the door opened. They sighed in relief only to see it was Kuvira. "Hey, Kor," She said. "Don't call me that," Korra said. "I'm just here to say sorry for Tanho. He was being a jerk," Kuvira said. "Fuck off," Korra said and Pema hit her in the back of the head. "Korra! Don't be rude. Sorry about that Kuvira. She accepts the apology and will be going to that party of yours," Pema said. "Well great. Hope you feel better, mutt," Kuvira said as she walked out of the door. She said the last part so quietly so only Korra could hear it. "Bitch, get fucking lost on the street," Korra said and got slapped again. "Ow! The hell?!" Korra asked. "What is your problem?!" Tenzin asked. "My problem?! What's your problem?!" Korra asked. "Why don't you like Kuvira? You barely know her," Opal asked. "I've known her longer than you have that's for sure. I sure as hell know her well enough to know that she's not fucking sorry. She's always been like that, a jerk," Korra said and got up.

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