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In realms unseen, where thoughts take flight,
A dream unfurls, a beacon bright.
It whispers tales of boundless skies,
Where hearts dare reach and souls arise.

In slumber's embrace, we wander free,
Through lands of magic, by the sea.
We chase the stars, with wings unfurled,
In dreams, we roam the wondrous world.

A dreamer's realm, where wishes gleam,
A canvas vast, an endless stream.
We sculpt our hopes in midnight's glow,
And watch them bloom, in vibrant flow.

For dreams are whispers of the heart,
A symphony, a work of art.
They weave the tapestry of our soul,
And guide us towards our destined goal.

So close your eyes, embrace the night,
Let dreams ignite your inner light.
For in the realm where dreams are spun,
We find the courage to become undone.

Amaya Constance poemWhere stories live. Discover now