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Whispers in trees, a gentle sigh,
The wind's soft touch, as it passes by.
Through meadows wide and mountains tall,
It carries secrets, a whispered call.

A playful dance, through fields of gold,
The wind's embrace, both young and old.
It whispers tales of distant lands,
Of desert sands and ocean sands.

It whispers secrets to the sea,
A lover's tale, forever free.
It shapes the dunes and waves that crest,
A timeless dance, in nature's quest.

In whispered sighs, it tells its tale,
Of ancient hills and ships set sail.
It stirs the leaves, a rustling choir,
A symphony of nature's desire.

So listen close, to the wind's soft voice,
In every gust, it does rejoice.
For in its whispers, there lies a key,
To nature's song, wild and free.

Amaya Constance poemDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora