Getting To Know

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He came back and gave me a warm mug of milk before plopping down next to me. I drank the milk and he sat there, staring at me with narrowed eyes.

"What?" I asked after finishing the whole mug. I licked my top lip and he eyed my tongue as it got back in my mouth.

"Mm Where do you live?" He asked, looking down on the floor. He played with his fingers and fidgeted. How could he be nervous after what he just did to me all day? It was as if once he was out of all of the lustful subjects and activities, he was another person. Bashful, even.

"I-" I also looked down and played with my fingers, hesitating to answer him. I looked up at him with full reverence and answered, "I don't have an actual home."

He looked up at me, surprised, and gave me empathetic eyes. Almost comparable to a lost puppy. But I was the one that was lost. I didn't know how to describe my personal life to someone I just met, especially someone I met from doing my job. He may have seen me without my clothes on, but he has yet to meet who I truly am.

"The DDD has given me a temporary home whenever they found me when I was a kid after a doppelganger attacked my family. Ever since, I've been working for them." I closed my eyes and briefly meditated by breathing in and out. "I was sanctioned here in this apartment building because there've been a lot of sightings here."

"You're a DDD member, then?" He asked, now holding my hand. I didn't even know he was holding my hand until I opened my eyes. His hands were rough because of the calluses but his gestures were soft and comforting.

"I've never actually been promoted to a title like that but technically, yes." I nodded slowly, not knowing how he's taking in the information. Not like it was anything too drastic. Hell, it's now starting to feel like we're actually starting to get to know each other. "How about you?"

"Mm What about me?" He cocked his head towards me, too quick for comfort, and he waited until I explained the simple question. He was cute and I can't let my emotions cloud my judgment, so I was conflicted.

"How did you become a milkman?"

He fell silent and let go of my hand.

"You don't have to tell me-"

"I didn't have a choice." He whispered with clenched jaws and a scowl. This was definitely a first. A milkman became a milkman because he had to?

"What do you mean?" I tried to get more information from him. Definitely, not because I wanted to know more about him.

"I had to become a milkman to support my family..." He slowly turned his head and I could tell his eyes were starting to water. "But before my wife could have the baby, her doppelganger had gotten her... and the baby. I couldn't save them."

He covered his face and started shaking his leg out of frustration. I did what I could and just patted his back. I swallowed my concerns and security and went in for a hug, which was awkward but it did the job because ultimately, he hugged me back. From what I can gather, it must've been recent.

"I'm sorry, Francis." I whispered, feeling his grief.

As we separated, I saw his gaze and it was filled with too much emotion. Even too many for me.

"I'll go now, okay?" I got up, finally having the ability to take control of my legs. I stood in front of him and cupped his face as he held my wrists softly as if he needed something. "We'll talk again tomorrow. I promise. We need to figure out what... this– is, and after we do, I can help you with whatever you need."

Looking at him now, I knew he was... different.

He gave me a deep kiss before letting go. He stood and walked me out of his apartment, towering over me as if I needed protection, which I didn't. Call me hardheaded, but I knew how to take care of myself. Francis just didn't know that.

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