Director's Office

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"Welcome to the Doppelganger Detection Department where you will become the world's best defender against dilly-dallying doppelgangers!

Before we get started, please read the manuals that have been given to you as a start off book for recruits, like yourselves, and study them as hard as you could. The contents of those manuals are really, really important!

For a brief summary, I will now be listing these 'need-to-knows' about doppelgangers, so listen closely.

To state the obvious, doppels are NOT human. Don't be fooled!

More than often, doppels will not look like who they are trying to look like, so be vigilant!

Doppels are hostile, so be careful! You will be given the appropriate weapons to dispose of them (check your handbook).

In an open space, if you encounter a doppel, stay calm and report to another nearby DDD member if you can't handle it yourself!

Finally, NEVER sympathize with them; they CANNOT feel emotion, no matter how much they attempt to! (Seriously, no fraternizing with the enemy)

Now that you've had this review, we will now be going over the other stuff that your manual didn't go over, so get comfortable!"

— Present Day —

"Agh!" The bullet resonated throughout the room and inadvertently went through the leg of Francis on the floor that was getting strangled. The one on top laughed maniacally, tightening its hands around the real Francis. They were moving too much for me to have gotten a clear shot.

"Shit." I mumbled, aiming my gun back up at the fake Francis above the real one.


I shot the doppelganger in the head again, forcefully pushing it off of my milkman. Its body convulsed, making its eyes red as it reached for the bullet already in its head; but I didn't pay much attention to the creature once the DDD extermination group came, barging in the lounge to surround the doppelganger and Francis.

"Wait-!" I yelled, struggling to move past the group circling them. Instead, I was held back by another member who I knew.

"We have to go!" Diana yelled, pushing me out the room, taking the gun off my hands to give to an extermination member. "Listen! It's not safe here! We have to go now!"

I didn't pay attention to her as I kept calling out for Francis, crying my eyes out while I wailed his name through the loud yelling of the extermination group that took up most of the room already.

Diana was stronger than me and pushed me out of the building into the van that the DDD provided for its employees. Once I was sat down, I had nothing else to do but to be held by her as I cried in regret for shooting Francis. I mean, was it my aim? What was I thinking? I knew it was him, but the bullet didn't. Was I just making up excuses now? It surely sounds like I am and I would like to shoot myself for it.

After I calmed down after an hour or so, I became mute to gather my thoughts. I didn't even know what time it was because I was too much of a mess and Diana didn't have a watch on, but I knew now that it was sometime at noon.

The van started moving as soon as the other members entered and I stared out the window, questioning all of my actions up until this point. I had stopped crying loudly as soon as they came in and I sat up straight, avoiding to look at anyone.

"Where are we going?" I murmured, not moving my head from the window.

"HQ." Diana answered as softly as she could. "The extermination group was late because there was an outbreak somewhere else down the street, which needed all exterminators near the area."

The Milkman (Fanfic)(TNMN)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora