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Harry styles pov

I was just sitting in my 500-million-dollar mansion💪 when my bitch girlfriend Olivia Wilde 🗿who im going to break up with stormed in. Ugh I actually hate her so much😡. She was about to talk when I threw my TPWK water bottle at her and she was unconscious😜.

Then Niall appeared in a leprechaun outfit "hiya harry🤭" he said in his Irish accent before doing the Irish jig🍀. He then shrunk and crawled into my ear!👂 "Niall why are you in my ear???"😥 I asked rlly confused and rlly scared 😰 (if only there was a gentle dude to help me). I could soon hear a light beat on my ear drum🥁 "im doin the irish jig" ohhhh I now know I sighed now being relived😹 "Niall I need your help" I told my leprechaun friend "ok!" I then told him the whole story about how I miss my pookie wookie Obama🤕 I then started crying so much that my bedroom filled up with water🤭🥶🤯 Niall then climed out of my ear and begun to swim until he found a donut pool floatie and sat in it. 

"JINKIES😤" I screamed when I noticed that that my pookie wookie Obama read my Facebook comment. "ugh that ratty rat didn't reply Niall. What should I do??"🤒 Niall suddenly disappeared and left gold glitter in the area.

I was then suddenly reminded of my old crush😱 Louis Tomlinson. He is so hot🥰 . I was contemplating whether to go and see him🧐 I finally decided that it could be a great idea🤓 it's a bad idea right???? It's a bad idea right????🧐 It's a bad idea right????????? Fuck it its fine😜. so I called up my close friend moana on my iphone 144 that I stole from that bitch simon cowell. Ugh he is so ugly😣. "Hi momo!🙋" I said happily "hi harry bear🙋‍♀️" Moana said to me. "is it possible for you to create a water tunnel for me to Doncaster pls?" I asked sweetly🥰 "Okie dokie artichokieee🤓" then suddenly all the tears in my bedroom turned into a tunnel😱 "holy shitza😜" I said happily


I was about to jump into the stream when I rememberd a little something 🙊, I crawled to my bedside table and quickly grabbed my Invisalign container 😜, I opned it up and saw a familiar face.

"gootan targ Harold 🤓." Said livy loo liver (olivhia)- my ear worm and parasite🤗.  "hello young skywalker 🎅, im sorry for getting you surgically removed from my ear last week👉👈😔.  I rlly missed you bb 😝. Would you like to crawl back on up here 🥺." Hazza said somewhat sadly. "shure princesss 🥴." Said livy loo before scurrying up and streamline jumping into his earwax 🥰.

Harry griddyed over to the stream of prime (harry styles cries prime, red flavior 😎) and right before he jumped in,🏊‍♂️ a certain paracite 🤟 threw a boggie board in the water so that harry could surf his way 🏄‍♂️.

It took Harold about 2 secs to get there 😌.

He saw "louis Tomlinson 😫❤️ who 🎶looked so perfect standing there 🧍‍♂️

In my American Apparel underwear 🩲💅

And I know now🧐, that I'm so down🎶🤟" Harry said accidentally breaking out into a musical number 😔😔

He was standing🧑‍🦽 smiling😁 at the door 🚪and im sure ive seen much hotter men🥵 but I really can't remember when🤔

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