Desires Unleashed, Witnessed

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A few days later, the pulsating beat of the music reverberates through Club Illusion, enveloping the patrons in a seductive atmosphere. The dimly lit room is alive with anticipation as the main stage comes to life, adorned with vibrant lights and an ethereal mist. Cordelia, adorned in a bewitching ensemble that accentuates her every curve, steps onto the stage. The crowd hushes, their eyes fixed upon her, captivated by her undeniable allure. As the spotlight illuminates her form, Cordelia's body moves with grace and sensuality, each movement commanding attention.

Alec watches from his perch near the VIP area, his gaze focuses solely on Cordelia. He has been observing her progress, patiently guiding her through the intricate art of seduction and taming her desires these last few days. And now, he believes she is completely ready for the next step. Alec's voice resonates through the commotion as he leans toward Zeddicus, his right-hand man.

"Zeddicus, tonight, Cordelia will dance for the VIP customers. It's time to test her allure in a more exclusive setting. Assign a new room for her and have them put her name on the list for the Girls of Sin ranking. If my guess is correct, she will soon become my most prized treasure here at Club Illusion."

Zeddicus, his dragon-like eyes shimmering, nods in understanding and signals for the staff to prepare the private area on the third floor for Cordelia's performance. Unbeknownst to Cordelia, among the sea of faces, a pair of piercing amber eyes watch her intently as she moves with effortless grace on the main stage. Kenrick Mane, a strikingly handsome man with a rugged demeanor, his eyes displaying a mix of curiosity and desire, stands entranced by Cordelia's enchanting dance.

Cordelia's heart skips a beat as she feels the weight of Kenrick's gaze upon her, but she resolutely focuses on her routine, determined not to let her emotions distract her. She has seen him before, at the bar on the first floor of the club, but their encounter had been fleeting and left her with unanswered questions.

The werewolf's heightened senses catch every subtle shift in Cordelia's movements, his gaze fixates upon her as if drawn by an invisible force. His heart quickens, an unfamiliar heat surging through his veins. Kenrick's voice rumbles low as he turns to his friend, a fellow VIP customer by his side. His friend's eyes widen, a knowing smile spreading across his face.

"Ah, Kenrick, my friend, you've been ensnared by her spell. Her name is Cordelia, the newest sensation of Club Illusion. She has a way of drawing you in, doesn't she?"

Kenrick doesn't answer his friend, but gives him a knowing smile before setting his sights back onto the stage. As he watches her dance, his memory flashes back to the night over a month ago when he first encountered Cordelia on the first floor of the club. He had been drawn to her beauty, her enigmatic aura, and he had mustered the courage to ask her for a dance. However, she had politely declined, leaving him both intrigued and slightly disappointed.

Now, as Kenrick watches her mesmerizing the crowd with her sensual dance, his fascination deepens. He can't resist the allure that surrounds her, and an idea sparks in his mind. He motions to one of the club staff, leaning closer to speak in hushed tones.

"Excuse me, my friend. I want to reserve one of your VIP room tonight."

"Of course sir. Which room would you like? Each of our rooms is specifically assigned to one of our special treasures here at Club Illusion. Is there a certain treasure that you are thinking of or would prefer to have for the night?"

Kenrick smirks as he points to the stage toward Cordelia.

"Her, I want her."

"Of course sir. I will reserve it for you right away. You may meet her upstairs in the assigned room after her dance."

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