Startling Revelations Unveiled

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Kenrick stands at the entrance of Club Illusion, a mixture of anticipation and nervousness coursing through him. He has returned, unable to shake the intrigue and attraction he feels towards Cordelia. Determined to see her once more, he approaches the nearest staff member, a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"I'd like to book a VIP room with Cordelia, please."

The staff member glances up at Kenrick, her expression apologetic.

"I'm sorry, but Cordelia is no longer taking customers privately. It's been her decision to focus solely on her performances on the main stage."

Kenrick's heart sinks, disappointment evident on his face.

"But... I was hoping to see her again. Can you at least tell her I'm here? I just want to talk."

The male staff shakes his head, empathetic but firm in his response.

"I understand your interest, but I'm afraid I can't accommodate your request. Cordelia has made it clear that she wants to distance herself from private engagements. If you'd like, you can watch her perform on the main stage."

"Fine, then I want to speak to Alec."

He must be the reason why she isn't taking any more VIP customers. He seemed extremely close to her when I saw them the last time. Too close for him to just be her boss. I'm sure it was his decision for her to not work on the third floor. He must have felt jealous or something when she was taking VIP clients.

Kenrick, determined to see Cordelia once more, insists on speaking to Alec, believing that he holds the answers to her sudden unavailability for private bookings. He walks over to take a seat in one of the VIP seating areas close to the stage. The male staff nods his head and walks over toward Zeddicus, who is standing against the wall. He informs him that Kenrick wants to speak with Alec.

Zeddicus, the ever-watchful guardian, makes his way to Alec's office, conveying Kenrick's request. Alec, intrigued by the visitor's persistence, decides to confront the matter himself. Alec walks down to the club, his gaze fixed on Kenrick as he approaches him. Taking a seat beside him, Alec exudes an air of composed authority.

"Kenrick, what brings you back to Club Illusion? They said you want to speak with me? What is it that I can do for you?"

Kenrick meets Alec's piercing gaze, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and concern.

"Alec, I came here to see Cordelia. I wanted to book a VIP room with her, but they told me she's no longer taking customers privately. Is it because of you? Did you forbid her from seeing anyone?"

Alec leans back, studying Kenrick intently before offering a measured response.

"Kenrick, Cordelia's decision to refrain from private bookings has nothing to do with me. It was a mutual agreement between us, one that prioritizes her well-being and personal growth. I am here to guide and protect her, but I do not dictate her every action."

Kenrick's brows furrow in confusion as he struggles to comprehend Alec's words.

"Alec, I want to know why Cordelia isn't taking any more VIP customers. It's been bothering me ever since that incident in the VIP room. She seemed...different. I have a right to know."

Alec maintains a calm demeanor, his voice steady but firm.

"Kenrick, Cordelia's choices and the way she conducts her work are her own. It's not your place to demand answers or interfere in her affairs."

Kenrick's anger flares and he clenches his fists.

"She's not just some dancer to me, Alec. I care about her, and I deserve to know what's going on. I want to see her."

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