Chapter 2.8

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A/N: Oh? What's this? Double updates? Wow...

Y/N roams around, as he turns to some spiderpeople talking.

Y/N: Um, hey. Have you seen a girl, about 15 years old, black and short hair, anywhere around here?

Spiderman #1: No, sorry.

Spiderman #2: Sorry fella. Ain't seen her.

Y/N: Oh, okay, no problem. Thanks guys.

He then keeps walking.

Y/N: Where are you, Peni...?

Miguel: Like you, she has been going to Ezekiel for a while.

Y/N quickly starts to run.


We see Y/N enter Ezekiel's office, as Ezekiel looks up.

Ezekiel: What happened, Y/N? Any nightmares?

Y/N: No, no. I... Actually, is it possible for me to get your meeting time with a specific patient of yours?

Ezekiel: I'm afraid I can't tell you anything regarding that. Such details are to remain confidential with me.

Y/N: I see... No problem.

He walks out of the room, as he sits down on the chairs outside.

Y/N: If that's what it takes...

We see that it was now evening, and Y/N was still there.

Night, Y/N was still there...

Morning, Y/N was still there...

Many Spidermen had came and gone by then, but yet...

Y/N was still there...

Afternoon struck as Y/N was still sitting in the chair, tapping his foot continuously, when we see someone walk up to the office, but stop midway.

Y/N notices this presence as he looks up to see who it was.

He quickly stands up.

Y/N: Peni.

Peni: ...

She says nothing as she tries to walk past Y/N.

Y/N: Peni, please. At least look at me when I'm talking to you.

She walks past Y/N as he grabs her hand.

Peni: Let go...

Y/N: Peni, please... Just, let me talk to you. You don't have to reply at all. I can't... I can't see you like that.

Peni stays silent, as her lips quiver a bit and she clenches her fist.

But it all fades away as soon as it arrived.

Peni: When I'm done with Mr. Sims. We'll talk.

Y/N lets go of Peni, as she walks in the room.

Y/N stays outside, as he prances left and right.

It was against the policies.

Trying to listen to other patients' chats with Ezekiel was a violation of policies, but...


Y/N was not going to try to eavesdrop at Peni and Ezekiel's talks.

He stays outside, as after no sound coming out at all for about 2 hours, the door opens up.

Y/N stands up, as he sees Peni walk out.

The two keep staring at each other, as Peni sighs.

Peni: Let's get this over with. What do you want?

Spiders Are Arachnids! (A Male Reader X Spiderverse Series Fanfic) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now