Chapter 2.9

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-3 weeks timeskip, cuz why not?-

We see Y/N sitting with Peni on a table in the cafeteria, as Pavitra comes up to the two with his food.

Pavitra: Good morning, my buddies.

Y/N: Morning, Pav.

Peni nods as she then focuses on her food.

Pavitra sits down as he looks at the two.

Pavitra: I heard Miguel is going out to take care of an anomaly again.

He looks at Y/N.

Pavitra: You should really start to work too, I'm telling you, it's SO much fun! Even Peni is going every now and then.

Y/N: I'll think about it.

Pavitra groans.

Pavitra: Come, on...! I wanna go out to kick some anomaly asses with my friends!

Y/N's mental state had actually improved a lot by now. The nightmares were not so frequent anymore, and he actually had a dream about a candy land!

Not that the candy land thing matters, but it did. As for Peni, she had opened up a lot to Y/N, and a teeny tiny bit to Pavitra.

She had matured now, so it was nigh impossible for Y/N to bring back her upbeat and cheerful attitude, but hey, it was some progress, right?

Y/N continues to eat, and soon, he decides to roam around, as he soon make his way to the anomaly room.

He enters the room and starts to observe the various anomalies.

Y/N: Alright, let's see...

Y/N: Alright, let's see

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Y/N: Earth- 8311. Quentin Beck. Alias- Mooseterio. Ah, I get it, cause he is... A moose... Can create visionary and auditory illusions to confuse his target and make them open for hitting. Huh... That's... Cool, I guess.

Y/N: Earth-4332

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Y/N: Earth-4332. Sergei Nickolaivich Kravinoff. Alias- Kraven the Hunter. He can- Woah!

Kraven tries to break out of the cage, as Y/N looks at him.

Y/N: An aggressive one, aren't we? You can't break this cage, pal. So, what do you do?

Kraven: I am Kraven the Hunter! What I hunt, I consume! What I consume, I become!

Y/N: Ah, I see. Wait, so if you were to eat a jellyfish, then would you get a jelly head, or tentacles? Or... Or both...?

Kraven growls as Y/N shrugs.

Y/N: Don't wanna answer? Fine.

He starts to examine the other anomalies.

Y/N: Who else? Who else? Who-

He stops in his tracks.

He looks in front of him and sees a certain someone.

Apart from the lizard-like features, it was not too hard to recognise the person in front of him.

Y/N: Earth- 453... Samuel Drake... Alias- Lizard...

He keeps staring at the monster in front of him as the lizard stares.

Y/N: *staring at Lizard* LYLA. You there?

LYLA appears beside him.

LYLA: Yeah?

Y/N: Give me a detailed description...

LYLA: Got it.

She disappears for a while before coming back.

LYLA: Earth-453. Samuel Drake was a normal guy, with a good job and a happy life with his brother...

She stops as she looks at Y/N.

LYLA: Y/N Drake...

Y/N walks up to the anomaly as his brows furrow.

Y/N: Continue.

LYLA: Right. One day, he and his brother were on their way back home when a fight broke out between Spider-man and Green Goblin.

LYLA: Y/N was a scientist and was working on a serum that could possibly cure life-long diseases such as cancer by genetically modifying and splitting DNAs of species that had a natural regeneration ability. The test subject was a lizard, since they could regenerate their tails.

LYLA: As I was saying, Goblin tried to take the boy and have him held as hostage against Spider-man. But Sam got in the way and got hit by the goblin's glider.

LYLA: Y/N tried his best to take his brother to a hospital, but none of them took the man in. Upon seeing no other way, Y/N, in his desperation, took the man to his own lab and injected the serum into Sam's bloodstream.

LYLA: The DNA mixing was uneven and as a result, Sam experienced mutations and grew a tail, along with fangs and claws. The new DNA was too much for Sam's brain to comprehend and as a result, he went in a frenzy, killing everything in his way, assuming they were a threat.... The first victim was... His brother.

Y/N walks up to the lizard as the anomaly stares back at Y/N.

Y/N puts a hand upon the cage as the lizard puts his own on it.

Lizard: Y... N...

Y/N puts his head on the cage as the lizard responds by doing the same.

Lizard: S... So... Sorry...

Y/N stays silent, as he closes his eyes and a tear runs down the lizard's eye.

LYLA silently stares as Y/N soon separates himself and looks around.

He sees something else.


Y/N: Why... Why is this one still here...?

LYLA: *hesitating* That's because, uhh... Umm...

Miguel: Because we need to separate Venom and Norman Osborn and then send them into their own separate universes.

Y/N looks back as Miguel walks up to the two.

LYLA: Right. That's why this one is still here.

She nervously chuckles.

LYLA: Separating the two is so... ugh! Hehe.

Y/N turns around to leave.

Y/N: Sound. Sound is a common weakness of symbiotes. You should know that by now.

Miguel: Got it.

Y/N keeps walking, when the symbiote comes out of Norman's body a bit.

Venom: This... Not right...

Y/N: Huh?

Miguel: Ignore it. It keeps speaking nonsense.

Venom: Y/N...!

Y/N stops for a while before walking away. Once he was gone, LYLA speaks up.

LYLA: How long do you expect he would be clueless?

Miguel: As I've said before. We need to tread lightly and carefully. This is not your usual anomaly. We are already risking a lot with the current circumstances.

A/N: Chapter 2.9 done! Hope you guys liked it,

Till the next time,


Spiders Are Arachnids! (A Male Reader X Spiderverse Series Fanfic) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now