Chapter 2

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-Quincy goes on a date with Jackson.

-At the restaurant.

-Quincy: Here's to my first date in six months!

-Jackson: It was worth the wait, here's to You...

-Quincy'phone rings.

-Quincy: Uh oh...It's my client. I'll make this quick.

-Quincy to caller: Okay, Calm down. I'll tell the florist...Peach roses, not pink.

-The waitress takes Jackson's order.

-Quincy to caller: Don't worry, I won't seat uncle Jim near aunt Mildred...

-The waitress takes Quincy's place and eats with Jackson while Quincy answers her phone.

-After Quincy finished her call.

-Quincy to Jackson: Whew! that's all straight ened out. so where were up.

-Jackson leaves the restaurant with the waitress and Quincy sees them from afar angrily.

-Quincy: Unbelievable. The wedding better be perfect.

-After the wedding.

-Quincy calls Flora.

-Quincy to Flora: Well, my dating life might be a disaster, but I know to throw an amazing wedding! If only You could see me in action, Flora.

-Flora: Hmm...My dinner's actually closed for renovations next Saturday. Maybe I can swing by the ballroom...

-Flora came to the next wedding.

-Quincy after the wedding.

-Quincy to Flora: Wasn't that a blast, Flora? And I saw You chatting it up with that guy in the blue suit.

-Flora: Oh stop, I was just being friendly...It's part of the job.

-After another wedding.

-Quincy calls Flora.

-Quincy: It was incredible! The bride was swept off her feet! And some of those groomsmen could've swept me off my feet...

-Flora: No time for that, Quincy. You've got another wedding to plan!

-After another wedding.

-Quincy calls Flora.

-Quincy to Flora: Woohoo! one of the guests I just met is a cruiseship captain. He was so impressed that he wants me to host weddings on his ship now!

-Flora: That's incredible! Sounds like your career is about to hit full sail.

-After another wedding.

-Quincy calls Flora.

-Quincy to Flora:The last ballroom wedding was perfect. And now I'm off to cruise the high seas! I'm looking forward to seeing the cruiseship captain again...

-Flora: Well, don't get distracted, Quincy. Keep up the great work!

-On the cruiseship.

-After another wedding.

-Quincy calls Flora.

-Quincy to Flora: Wow, with the clear blue skies and water, that wedding absolutely sparkled! Now if only I could have date with the captain...

-Flora: Come on, Quincy...You've got an awesome career now...Focus on that!

-After another wedding.

-Quincy calls Flora.

Love Lane Part 1Where stories live. Discover now