Fixer Upper

6 0 0

(This chapter might be a bit boring and low effort so forgive me)

I opened the bakery door, hoping to see Avery there. To my relief and uneasiness, she was. she looked sadder than usual, not as energetic as she used to be the last few times I visited this bakery.. 

Her eyes were gazing down on her phone, not even noticing me. I walked towards her, finally prompting her to look up, her eyes widening once she saw me.


"Hi.. Avery.." I mutter awkwardly as I looked around us, noticing how empty the bakery was today. There would've been at least that little boy here but maybe his parents didn't allow him..?

"Hm.. Not a lot of customers, huh..?" 

Avery seemed surprised at my tone.. Did she expect me to be colder? madder? maybe more distant?.. It makes me feel more guilty for ending that date early.. Did I over react back then?

"Yeah uhm.. You know that little boy that always goes here? His house is a 5 minute walk from here.."

"Five minutes?.. He lives in the city?" And he's that close here?.. Is he just allowed to walk here alone..

"yeah, he told me his parents found out about him going out alone and forbade him from doing it again.." Avery chuckled, trying to keep a smile with me. she almost seemed nervous..

"Uh-huh, right.." 

We stood in silence for a while.. After a bit, I interrupted it by ordering some more of her pandesal bread, hoping to get the message through that I still like her.. she gave me my order as I handed her the money, our hands interlocking once more for just a second. It felt so familiar.. Yet she pulled away so fast. I looked sadly upon her reaction, I might have pushed her away.

slowly sitting down on my usual spot, close to where she stands.. We exchange few eye contact as the atmosphere between us was thick. I couldn't stand it.

"so.. I'm uh.. sorry for not visiting lately.. schedule got kinda busy, y'know..?" I smiled at her softly..

"Oh.. It's fine, Peni.."

"And uhm.. sorry for ending our date early.. I think I might ov-"

"No, it's fine.. It was my fault."



"Hey, Avery?"


"W.. C-can we hang out again..? I know our first date kind of.. Uhm.. finished on a poor note.. But I still wanna see you again! Plus, your bread is too good for me to just pass out on.." I joked, trying to keep, or rather begin a more lighthearted mood between us.

she looked at me for a moment, starting to smile a bit more. Maybe she appreciated my attempt..?

"You know what.. sure! Maybe next time we can just stay indoors though... Walking kind of made my legs sore.." Her cheery mood slowly returned. she was still soft on her voice but it was more happy. I giggled at her comment, nodding in response.

"We can do it in my house.. It's a bit small but still.."

Avery smiled a bit more. "Absolutely!.."

I felt even more relieved now.. I really hope we forget what happened that night. Maybe it was just a dumb thing that happened.. Heh.

"Alright, want me to pick you up after your shift tomorrow?"

"sure... At least I won't be catching you run all the way here for the 3rd time sweating.." I blushed out of embarrassment, realizing she noticed the 1st time I ran here.. Covering it up with a laugh as I open up the pandesal she gave me.. 

I stayed there for a bit, we talked some more, not even mentioning what got us to stop in the first place. I forgot all about Theo and my problem with him which I'll probably have to deal later.. Right now, I was focused on rebuilding my relationship with Avery, happy that we're talking to each other again.


There I was, back at home, texting Avery on my phone. she was flirting with me and everything. It's like we never even had a problem in the first place!.. I managed to fix my relationship with her at least.. Now I have to deal with Theo... Almost forgot about shirt.

Texting Avery 'see you later', I switch to Theo's contacts. Was it a bad idea to reject someone's confession over text? Maybe.. but it was the easiest. I started to type nervously as I hoped I could get my words across.

'Hi shirt, Peni again. I appreciate that your feelings for me and I find it sweet how you confessed. but, I'm sorry. I don't like you back. It's not entirely because I've been seeing someone so to say, it's.. more than that. I hope our friendship doesn't get stained by this.' 

With a trembling hand, I sent the text to him. Maybe he'll understand and I was just overblowing how bad my problems were.. Eh! It's fine. Everything's fine. Nothing's wrong. I'll probably have to actually confront Avery about what happened on our date and there's a chance Theo will end up ending our whole friendship but no biggie! Ha. haha. ha....

I think I'll just wait for tomorrow...


I drove my car down the streets of the city, excited for my date with Avery, hoping today will be better. I did my best to get that 'home look' and 'going out style' combined.. Whatever I meant by that...

As I continue to drive and drive and drive, I notice Avery closing up her bakery once more. smiling, I slow down my car nearby, unlocking the doors. she didn't know my car so I expected her to be confused, which she was. she looked at my car with raised eyebrows, examining it up and down to wonder why they stopped right beside her bakery.. It's only once I roll down my windows her confusion turns to surprise, turning to eagerness..

"Peni! You're on time..."

"Yup! For once.." I mumbled the last part to myself yet she heard it, giggling in response.

"I guess I'll just go in then?"

"Yeah, I'll drive us back at my house... It's a bit small and the neighborhood is quieter than the city.."

"Oh, it's fine.. I prefer calm atmospheres more..." Avery smiled at me with her eyes once more, looking pretty as always. she opened my car door and got in as I prepared to turn back and make a quick trip back to my house so we can finally start our date.

That being said, it felt more like it started when we started talking.. Because after I started to drive back, we kept chatting once more. Although, the conversation eventually died down a bit..

As we stopped at a red light, we waited in silence. I was in a good mood, seeing how me and Avery were getting along again.. And although I thought Avery felt the same, I looked to her side and noticed her mind seemingly wandering. It's like she was thinking of something..

"Avery?" she snapped out of it at my voice.. "Is.. something on your mind..?"

Her head turned to me in a confused look before realizing what I meant..

"Oh.. Uhm.. Maybe.. In a sense..."

"In a sense..? We can talk about it, y'know?"

she seemed to contemplate about opening up once I said that.. Was it about..

"I guess you're right...." she stopped for a moment, hesitating to speak.. "Well, I was just thinking.. Are you still... upset.. by what happened last date?"

Yup. It was about that. "No, no.. It was just a slip of the tongue.. I don't even know who Rachel is.." I waved it off but I was still slightly upset. I was a bit jealous of who this girl was but I figured I shouldn't over react once more.. 

"I-I know but... I wanted to t-tell you about who she is.. I just feel guilty about letting you wonder about it."

"I mean, it's okay if I don't know about her. I don't care about the past or anything."

"still. I.. I want you to listen okay? And let me explain why I accidentally called you Rachel that night." Avery said with sincerity.. I hesitated, curious but more inclined to live in blissful ignorance of what she meant. But if she's willing to tell me, I should probably listen. This could help clear up some things..

"Rachel is.. well was my ex.." Knew it... "We used to be very close.. We dated at high school up until a few months ago.." Wait, a few months ago?.. How recently did they break up? "I won't get into the nitty gritty details of why we split it's just.. I may still not be over her. And you do kind of remind me of her.. Which is why I thought you'd like the basketball games at the arcade, or that pink plushy I bought you.."

I did like the pink plushy.. And I did enjoy watching Avery play that arcade game, it made me crush on her even more.. Yet I couldn't help but feel a bit sad now that she was probably more into me because I reminded her of her ex, someone she wasn't over with.. 

"I-it's fine, I-" "But." she interrupted me once more

"I promise you Peni, I don't see you as her. You're an entirely different person with just some similarities. You don't have to think that I only like you because of Rachel. I swear on my life I like you for you and I just made some stupid mixups.."

she held my hand as she spoke, I couldn't help but blush and admire her more... This just made me feel so stupid for ending that god damn date early. I need to marry her..

"A-avery, I.."

"Oh, Peni. The green light."

"Huh? Oh!" Before I could even respond with my own thoughts, I was forced to drive again. My mind kept thinking of how perfect she was, even if she wasn't fully over her ex... I could tell she noticed my blushing red face as I felt so touched by her words. I would've been embarrassed for her to see me like this but that wasn't important anymore. I couldn't wait to spend the rest of the night with her...

Eventually, we arrived at my house..

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