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The last person Minji expected to see walking into the brewery on a slow night was Hanni Pham. The Hanni Pham who sold out South Korea's largest music venue in less than five minutes when her show was announced.

What Minji expected even less was to have one of the best nights of her life.


Why customers walk into an almost empty bar and sit at the one seat that's clearly dirty—empty glass, remnants of a thoroughly enjoyed dinner, crumpled napkins scattered around—Minji would never know. It was a long-running joke, yes, but it was almost more annoying to watch happen when the dinner rush had just ended and she and Haerin had cleaned almost every spot at the bar and every table in the small taproom.

All save the one spot at the bar the new guy decided would be his.

Of course.

Minji was in just enough of a good mood to shut away all feelings of annoyance and greeted the guy as if he hadn't chosen the worst possible seat at the bar.

"Welcome in to Jien Brewing! Here's an updated beer list and if you're hungry, you can find the food menu on the other side." Minji forced a smile as she dropped a coaster in front of the man along with his menu.

She hoped he wouldn't ask questions.

She also really hoped Haerin would stop flirting with Danielle in the kitchen and come back behind the bar.

Unfortunately, luck wasn't on Minji's side and in the post-dinner lull, Haerin seemed more than happy to camp out in the kitchen with her girlfriend. At least the man didn't seem particularly chatty and managed to order a beer without Minji having to explain that yes, the beers on the menu were, in fact, brewed on location using the very visible equipment on the other side of taproom.

Right as Minji was about to drag Haerin out of the kitchen herself, Haerin reappeared, looking far too satisfied.

Haerin opened her mouth to say something but Minji learned long ago not to give her the opportunity to say anything right after Haerin had spent time with Danielle in a private space and had that particular expression after.

"No." Minji cut her off. "Whatever it is, I don't want to know."

In mock offense, Haerin said, "I see how it is. I was just going to tell you Danielle is working on a new special sandwich for next week and she's going to use us as her test subjects here in a little bit."

"Sure you were."

Haerin grinned. "What she said she wanted to test on me tonight when we get home is a different story."

Scowling, Minji said, "I hate working with both of you. What if a customer overheard you?"

"Good thing they're all sitting at the other end of the bar then."

"Well if you're going to be like this for the rest of the night, I'm going to need a drink." Minji said, her scowl still firmly in place.

Without hesitation, Haerin grabbed two small glasses. "You want your usual disgusting IPA?"

Minji laughed. "Don't let mom hear you calling her beers disgusting, especially not the one we've won the most awards for."

"It's not my fault you apparently think hops that taste like pine trees are a good addition to what could be a perfectly good IPA otherwise. And let me remind you that it's the stout that's won the highest award." Haerin said as she pulled the handle for the stout in question.

Two seconds into the pour, the keg kicked, foam and dark beer sputtering from the tap and barely staying contained by the edges of the glass.

Haerin held her up her hand. "Minji, don't say a word."

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