How Minji punched a girl on the face

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"No way," Minji asserted. "We're not going out to get hammered. That is so immature."

"Alright, fine. Haunted house then!"

"Haerin!" the older brunette cried. "We are not going to a haunted house!"

"Of course we are! What else would we do on Halloween?"

"I don't know! Carve pumpkins! Pass out candy! Dress up as witches! I don't know! Just not that!"

With a shrug of her shoulders, Haerin let out an exaggerated sigh and slipped into the driver's side of her car.

"You gonna get in or what?" the other girl asked, looking out the open window at her friend as she crossed her arms defiantly. "We might as well just go home if you're going to be a party pooper."

"God dammit, Haerin! I'm not a party pooper!"

"Get in the fucking car, loser."

"UGH! Fine! You're still obnoxious, though."

The car headed towards 108 Mifflin Street, but as it neared the mansion, a few streets prior, Haerin made a sharp right and pushed down harder on the pedal.

"What are you doing?" Minji asked, exasperated by her friend's reckless driving.

"Having fun. Ever heard of it?"

"Are you drunk? Slow down before you get us killed or hurt someone else! Or even worse, you get us pulled over!"

"I love that you think getting pulled over is worse than dying," Haerin laughed. "Anyway, I'll slow down, but we're not going back to Mifflin. I don't want to be bored on Halloween, okay? The least you can do is take a drive with me."

As soon as the words were out of the girl's mouth, the older brunette moaned, "Why are we even friends?"

"You love me!" Haerin cried with a grin.

After a while, they neared the edge of town, and the buildings became fewer and farther between. Soon, they found themselves pulled over on the side of the road in front of a large, empty field.

"What are you doing?" Minji asked anxiously, looking out the window at the darkness.

"Let's go for a walk."

"Are you kidding me?"

"What? Are you scared?"

"No! Of course I'm not scared! I'm just not going for a creepy-ass walk in some random fucking field on fucking Halloween."

"Well… It's not exactly a random field…"

Trying to hide her smile but unable to do so, Haerin looked over into Minji's eyes.

"What. Are. You. Talking. About." Then, Minji looked around again, finally seeing the very dim lights far, far out in the field. "Oh, Hell no. This is not happening."

"Aww. C'mon, honey. I'll hold your hand and everything. We'll go quick, okay? Just a spin through the house and then home."

"Don't you fucking 'honey' me, Kang Haerin!"

But the brown-eyed brunette was ignoring her and was already stepping out of the car.

"Get back here!" Minji shouted. "We're not-"

"Fine. You don't wanna go? You can wait in the car. But hey… Who knows what creeps are out here tonight? Whatever, though. If you want to take your chances on your own, that's fine. I'm taking the keys with me though."

Haerin was grinning, and as soon as her friend saw it, she growled, "I'm gonna slap that grin right off your face."

"Come get me!"

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