Chapter 4: M

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Before they set out, they gathered in the main hall room, where Mr. Grayson awaited them with a sincere yet focused expression. He outlined the details of their mission with much detail, explaining that their target was a top wealthy businessman named Fred Ocason, a man with ties to organized crime and a laundry list of unsavory dealings.

As the weight of their assignment sank in, Millie stepped forward, her voice steady. "We have trained long and hard for this moment," she said, The girls would stand side by side. "All of you have overcome something personal to you,now this is the true test, the true moment to prove ourselves and I know we can" karma would smirk,violet would crack her knuckles and velma would do a little giggle.
"We may be young, but we are strong and many whom have doubted us will finally see that," Millie declared. "Together we are here as individuals of our own..but out in those streets holding these guns and weapons..blending in like a lion awaiting to pounce its pray..we must be one or we all fall."

And So the mission had began from once the warmth of the campus now the girls lay in wait on the rooftop across from the bank. Dressed in black to blend seamlessly with the shadows, they remained perfectly still, their eyes fixed on the target below. Each of them were ready, their sniper rifles trained on the entrance of the bank, waiting for the precise moment to strike. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as they waited, every passing second feeling like an eternity as they held their breath, their nerves taut with anticipation.

And then, finally, the moment arrived. With a steady hand and a steady eye, Karma took aim, her focus razor-sharp as she lined up her shot. With a deep breath, she squeezed the trigger, her finger exerting just the right amount of pressure as she sent the bullet hurtling through the night air.

For a heart-stopping moment, the world seemed to hold its breath as the bullet soared towards its target, closing the gap between the girls and their objective in the blink of an eye. And then, with a resounding crack, it struck true, hitting Fred Ocason squarely in the chest with deadly accuracy.

Chaos erupted in the streets below, the girls remained calm and composed, their mission accomplished with precision and efficiency. With a nod of satisfaction, Millie signaled for them to retreat, their job here done.They moved with the silent precision, careful not to draw any undue attention to themselves. Once they were safely back at the van, a wave of relief washed over them.

Karma's accuracy with the sniper rifle were given compliments and praise showered upon her from all sides. But Millie couldn't shake the feeling of unease. "You were just lucky that's all." Millie said with a cold sneering expression.

"Luck had nothing to do with it," Karma insisted, her voice tinged with bitterness. "I've trained for moments like this. Luck is for those who believe in fairy tales. I would assume that's you no?."

"If I had luck would I have needed to runaway and come to this school?." Millie respond and just as quick Karma would also respond "I don't think any of us would be..but I can see you only think of yourself huh?." Millie would try to say something back but she gave up trying as it would become something more than it needed to be.

Back at the school, Mr. Grayson greeted the girls with a warm smile, congratulating them on a job well done. He singled out Karma for special praise.
But as Millie watched, a sense of frustration simmered within her. She would sigh a deep sigh and roll her eyes heavily as if she was more annoyed than anything.

The tension lingered in the air, Mr. Grayson's keen gaze swept over the group, his instincts telling him that something was amiss.

"What's wrong?" he asked, his voice cutting through the silence like a knife. His eyes flickered between Karma and Millie, waiting for their responses.

Karma and Millie exchanged a tense glance. Without missing a beat, they both spoke at once, their words tumbling out in a torrent of frustration. "Some people think that just because they were lucky once means they will be again.—" Before Millie could finish her sentence Karma would cut her off mid way "Oh How Ironic I was the one who brought us success not you rude stuck up bitch—".

"That's enough!" Mr.Grayson said, his tone brooking no argument. "I will not tolerate this kind of behavior in my presence are you WEAKLINGS? arguing will get you no where but dead in this field. If you two have a problem, you will resolve it like adults."

With a heavy sigh, Mr. Grayson continued. "You will fight it out in the dojo," he declared, his voice firm. "Until you can settle your differences, you will not leave that room.Blood Or Bone You Choose."

With a resigned nod, Karma and Millie followed Mr. Grayson to the dojo, their steps heavy with the weight of unresolved tension. As they entered the training room, they squared off against each other, their eyes locked in a silent battle of wills.

With a slight nod from Mr. Grayson, the fight began, rushing up fast Karma charged towards Millie and Millie charged towards Karma. Both of them clashing towards each other it was rough..Karma was quick and fast and that's something she had up upon Millie but Millie was stronger and that's something she had up on Karma.

Karma, using everything she had because she refused to lose hit Millie in the face in that moment Millie's mind began to race in a flash back of when her Father hit her and without thought she planted a hit against Karma's face sending her to the ground..In within seconds it was clear as day Millie had won. On the side Velma cheered and laughed "WOOOO!!! Mill Mill Yeeeee!!". While Violet watched in pure silence.

After the fight was done Millie offered Karma a hand up in which she grasped onto the hand accepting defeat.,Back in the dorms the girls each in silence as they lay in their bunks, staring up at the ceiling.

But then, as if by some unspoken agreement, a wave of laughter erupted from the group, breaking the silence like a sudden burst of sunlight through storm clouds. It started as a soft chuckle, a hesitant release of tension, but soon it swelled into full-blown laughter.

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