Chapter 5: A

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  Days have passed quickly after their first successful mission the girls were given a much-needed break to rest and recuperate before their next assignment. Outside in the backyard, Violet could be found practicing, her eyes focused and determined as she aimed at the targets with precision.

Meanwhile, Karma and Millie sat together on the sidelines,"I never thought we'd make it this far," Karma remarked, her voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia. "It feels like just yesterday we were struggling to survive on the streets, and now here we are, trained assassins."

Millie nodded in agreement, her thoughts drifting back to the hardships they had endured and the challenges they had overcome together. "It's been long and difficult and uneasy," she said softly. "But we've come out stronger for it, haven't we?"

Towards the left of them Velma chased the butterfly around the backyard, her innocent laughter filling the air, Karma couldn't help but watch with a mixture of curiosity and admiration. Turning to Violet, she broached a topic that had been on her mind for some time.

"How does it feel, having a sister whose mind is that of a 6-year-old little girl?" Karma asked, her voice soft with genuine curiosity.

Violet's gaze drifted to Velma, a fond smile gracing her lips. "It's hard," she admitted, her voice tinged with emotion. "But I wouldn't trade her for anything. She's the only family I have left, and I love her more than anything in this world." She would continue "Say..If you watched everyone you love die in front of you unable to help them wouldn't you try to hang onto any happiness you had left?. She is me and Im her...and that's how its always going to be."

"And you know what?" Violet continued, her voice growing stronger with conviction. "Velma may have the mind of a child, but she's capable of more than you could ever imagine. She's smart, resourceful, and fiercely independent. In many ways, she's taught me more about strength and resilience than anyone else I know.Compared to us three we don't have as much patience nor confidence as she does."

As Velma's laughter echoed through the backyard, Violet couldn't help but smile at her sister's infectious joy. But when Violet called Velma over and handed her the gun, something  happened.

As Velma's small hands wrapped around the handle of the gun, a transformation seemed to take place before their eyes. The carefree laughter faded from Velma's face In that moment, Velma's childlike demeanor melted away, leaving behind a sense of purpose and determination that belied her years. With a steady hand and focus, she took aim at the target, her eyes narrowing in concentration as she sighted down the barrel of the gun.

Velma fired off shot after shot, each one hitting the bullseye with pinpoint accuracy. Seven times in a row. As the final shot rang out, leaving the target riddled with bullet holes, a stunned silence descended over the backyard. Millie and Karma exchanged incredulous looks, their minds struggling to process what they had just witnessed. While Violet scuffled softly glancing over towards her sister.

It seems as, When she has a weapon within her hand she becomes someone else..but without it she goes straight back to the child like state that she was in originally.

As Violet approached Millie and Karma, her heart still swelling with pride at Velma, she settled beside them,But before they could relax Kane's voice cut through the air like a whip, calling them over for training.

As they made their way to the training area, Kane greeted them with a stern nod, his eyes serious as he assessed each of them in turn. Without preamble, he launched into a series of rigorous exercises designed to push them to their limits, his voice commanding and authoritative as he spoke out orders.

For hours they trained, pushing themselves to the brink of exhaustion and beyond as they honed their skills in hand-to-hand combat, marksmanship, and tactical strategy once again. Under Kane's watchful eye, they sparred and drilled with relentless intensity, each movement precise and calculated.

After training the girls gather within a circle, Kane stands in-front of them and explains how the next mission they will face will not be easy and that they need to give their all to prove themselves worthy of being Hitman.

Kane would glance over and every one of them slowly almost as if his eyes were suggesting something else.

Something Else Indeed.

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