Chapter 1 - Who is she...?

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Yet another year at Hogwarts had begun. Y/n couldn’t be more excited to start sixth year. She was in a compartment on the Hogwarts express with her friend Adrian Pucey talking about what came to mind. “So how have you been?” Adrian asked, happy to see Y/n after the long summer, “You know the usual, BEING BORED OUT OF MY MIND!” Y/n said dramatically. Adrian giggled at y/n’s choice of expression. “Why haven't you been writing to me then?” he said with a smirk on his face. Y’n leaned back till she felt the seat touch her high back. She let out a deep exhale and gazed down. “I was at my grandparents house…” Adrian’s look softened “Hey, it’s okay. You won’t have to see them for a long time.” Y/n gave a small smile and looked out the window. “I think we’re almost there!” Y/n exclaimed as they were getting closer and closer to the castle.
Once they arrived they sat down for dinner. Professor Dumbledore got up and waited for everyone to stop talking; once everyone noticed Professor Dumbledore the Great Hall got quiet. He gave a speech about the Triwizard Tournament and welcomed the Beauxbatons and Drumstrang students as well as their Headmasters.
Dinner was finished and Y/n was on her way to her dorm when she bumped into Adrian. “Oh, hey!” he said with a smile on his face “Hey! I was just heading to my dorm.” “Same, but I’m glad I bumped into you. I actually wanted to give you your phone, you forgot it on the train.” Y/n felt embarrassed and gave an awkward giggle with her head tilted slightly sideways. “How silly of me! Thank you though.” They wished each other goodnight and headed to their dorms.
Y/n practically burst through the common room door excited to finally get some rest. However she didn't notice that two certain red headed boys were on the couch talking. One of them glanced her way and his eyes slightly widened. Y/n quickly climbed up the stairs and reached her dorm. “Who was that?” one of them asked “I don’t know Fred, how should I know? You’re the one who's always talking to girls.” Well whoever she is, she’s most definitely gorgeous. I have to find out who she is, Fred thought.

Tricks, Mischief And A Whole Lot Of Love, Hugs And Cuddle SessionsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя