S1.1: After Infinitus

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As she dreams about how Zadia saved the Multiverse from falling apart, Misaka Lee Kazashiro wakes up and notices that she's late for school.

Misaka: "Why am I so late?! [My name's Misaka Lee Kazashiro. I'm just your average girl in high school who loves to eat and hates being bored. But what I miss most is my friends in Neo G-Force, and my other identity as... who was she again?]"

Then, on the way, she ends up falling flat on her face literally. Wait, how did she end up this way?

Misaka: "How is this happening? I was smart enough to get into Space School!"

Her worst day started when she slipped and fell into every situation, and then, she discovered a light following her home. Then, that light changes into a moth, Which happens to be, Zadia, herself.

???: "Misaka."

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