S1.4: The Fairy of Flame

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Misaka and Zee meet Roxy Barton, an aspiring musician who wants to be in the band.

At first, they don't see eye-to-eye about how they define a boyfriend, but when a Shadow Plant attacks, Misaka morphs into Zadia.

Then, Zee gives a red Fairy Wand to Roxy to transform into Flara, the Fairy Guardian of Flame.

Roxy: "If anyone's gonna rock out tonight, it's me! Roxy Barton! And that's after I show this monster not to mess with my concert!"

Zee: "Roxy! Use this!"

Roxy: "Cool! Flara Fire Power! Rise Up!"

Flara: "I am the Fairy Guardian who fights for love and the passion of music! Here comes Flara! In the name of rock n roll, I'll burn you to a crisp! Bang!"

"Fireball Shoot!"

Then, Roxy joins Misaka and Zee on their new journey!

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