The special detection

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Harry walked to snape, harry was In his pajamas because for Littles they needed more sleep so now harry would have bed for his last remaining class so now bed was  now at 8 . Harry didn't want to be spanked again so now he wore the pink pajamas with panties.

Harry I see your wearing the proper uniform. Snape said pleased, yes sir harry answers back.

Snape immediately took off harrys pants and panties and began spanking him very hard, snapes hand was big and brought so it caused discomfort for harrys pale smooth butt.


thoes were the last spanks and harry felt tired and his butt hurt. Immediately Snape calmed him down and put cream on his bum.

Harry especially didn't like snape now nig that he has ever been.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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