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Sabre's POV:

I thought that after creating Origin I would go back in to the loop but here I am, sitting in a vast flower field. Lightning starts to appear behind me and stops to reveal Origin Steve, "Hey Sabre" he says as he sits down next to me.

"Hey Origin... How are you...?" I ask with a fake smile.

"Cut the act Sabre. Your thinking of your friends again aren't you" he says with a angry tone to a slightly worried tone. After a few moments of silence, I said "I just wanna see them again..." my voice breaking a little.

"I know but..." Origin stops to think and said "Wait, you have powers now remember. You can use them to go back to your original timeline!" he suggests with a excited tone of voice.

"Wait, I can!?" I say surprised by the fact I could possibly do that. "Theoretically yes. But I'd have to teach you first." he says.

"Then let's go!" I said while running to somewhere with no flowers because Origin's favorite thing in the area is the flowers.

"Sabre wait up!" He screams to me in the distance.

4 months later

I have gotten the hang of my abilities and we decided I was ready to go back to my timeline, I opened a portal back to my timeline but before I go through. I tell Origin "See you next time".

"See you next time, stay safe" he responds. We both exchange a nod and I go through.

In Sabre's timeline

Lightning starts to surround me and I appear somewhere familiar, I start to look around and see that I was at the abandoned library. 'The abandoned library? And it's fixed?' I ask myself, I hear people in the Library so I decided to hide somewhere just in case.

"WHO'S THERE! SHOW YOURSELF!" someone yells, 'I recognize that voice' I tell myself. I peaked out of my spot to see my brother, "Light Steve?"

I said out loud by accident. he looks at me and I had to get out of my spot, "Hey Light..." I said to break the silence. "Sabre...?" he replies.

"Wait Sabre?" I hear someone ask behind Light, "M?".

After a few moments of silence, he dashes towards me and hugs me tightly. "I missed you so much..." He says while crying a little.

"Welcome back brother..." Light said as he came to hug me as well. "I'm glad to be back...".

A few days later

Light's POV:

It has been a few days since Sabre's return. There were reunions here, reunions there but other than that nothing much. Well... I thought so.

"LIGHT STEVE!" A Elite Colorless Guard yelled, "What is it" I respond with a stern voice. "We have been having sightings of portals appearing out of nowhere. And one of the portals, someone fell out of it." he replies.

"Do you recognize them?" I asked, "No sir, I do not." the Elite said. "Very well, go get my brother and the Red Leader(M) and tell them that we are going to investigate the portal." I said. "Yes sir." the Elite says as he salutes me and runs off to find Sabre and M.

??? Elite Guard's POV:

I ran off to look for Sabre first since he lives in the Orange Kingdom which is where I am right now, and I was right. He was talking to the leader, "Oh hey! What's wrong?" Sabre asks. I was a little out of breath but I had to respond, "We found 4 people next to a portal, I have already informed Light Steve about the situation and he sent me to get you and the Red Leader" I say while trying not to sound out of breath.

"Wait what!?" Orange Leader shouts, "Alright then let's go, we'll be back Dad" he says to calm Orange Leader down. They both exchange nods and we teleported to get the Red Leader.

Sabre's POV:

We appear in the Red Kingdom and we went straight to M's house as that's where he usually is, "M?" I ask.

"Oh hey Sabre, need something?" M asks, "We need you to come with us to investigate a portal" I replied. "Oh sure" he says, the Elite teleported us to the spot and we find Light there waiting for us.

"So?" I ask Light, "There are 4 people that showed up next to the portal but it has already closed. And they have been glitching since I got here".

"Ok where are they?" I asked him, "They are over there". I walked towards the area he was pointing to and saw the 4 Steve's.

They all had a familiar energy then one of them started to wake up, "Ugh, where am I?" he says. "Your in the Rainbow Quest Universe" I replied.

After a few seconds of silence, he started to glitch out and I saw him and the others change to people I know very well...

They stopped glitching  so I said "Light...?" He looks at me then himself.

SS.Light POV:

I look at my self in shock 'Im Light again...' My vision starts to get blurry and all I could hear was Sabre saying "Light! C'mon snap out of it! You need to calm down!".

"I can't... Breathe..." Was all I could get out before I fell to the ground.

A few minutes later

I started to wake up and saw Dark, Ghost, and Time were in the room awake. "You sure he's going to be ok?" Ghost asks, "Yes don't worry Ghost, he just had a little panic attack and fainted." Time reassures him.

Dark looks upset then he notices I was awake so he walked over to me, he knew I would get overwhelmed with questions if they noticed I was awake.

"Good to see you awake." He said softly, "Heh, that's the first time I heard you say something softly" I told him. He then suddenly hugged me and says "We both need a hug right now... Let it out if you want to...", I hugged back tightly and started to cry a little. After that we all went to sleep.

(1064 words)
I hope you enjoyed, cuz I don't know if I made any mistakes. I'm new to writing so please tell me if there's something wrong here so I can fix it.

≈=«Ultra out»=≈

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