(13)i'm in

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{treech's pov}

"No no, just you. Just you!"

The words sting my heart as I stop in my tracks, looking at Sierra. I see her mentor trying to talk to her but she brushes it off, looking at both the pack and me. 

She was really considering choosing them over me?

I scoff in disgust and walk away. Suddenly, a loud booming noise pierces my ears and I fall to the ground. Dust is flying all around me and rubble falls from the ceiling.

I pick myself up and try to locate the nearest exit, dodging the debris, when I turn back. Sierra. I frantically run towards her when I see her body, the left side of her stomach trapped under a piece of concrete.

"Riri!" I call out, rushing towards her. I bend down to help her and see her eyes drooping. "Ri, stay with me!" I tell her. I lift the debris and see her stomach bleeding from the jagged edges. I try to pick her up but two peacekeepers grab my arms, dragging me away, two others carrying Sierra's unconscious body. 

I'm escorted into a small car with some other serving tributes and we are driven to a small building. As I'm dragged in, I see peacekeepers dragging some bodies, and I catch a glimpse of Sierra. I try to go to her but I am dragged back, led into a small room.

Are we at the vet?

Soon, a young woman comes in and examines, me looking for any injuries. "You look fine." she tells me. "Let me just bandage your hands." I look down and see small cuts along my hands from the debris I was lifting off of Sierra. She applies a cream and wraps them. "You're free to go now." she finishes, walking out.

"Wait!" I call out. She turns back around, curious. "Do you know where Sierra is?"

"Oh, your girlfriend, she's in the room next door. You can go check on her." She tells me, leading me into her room. There I find Sierra unconscious on a stretching table, a bandage around her waist. I sit down and grab her hand, stroking it tenderly, waiting for her to wake up.

"Don't get attached." The District 4 tribute, Coral, sneaks up on me, peering through the door. "She's as good as dead." Coral tells me. "She also doesn't seem very loyal to you, or to my team."

"I can't just give up her." I tell her.

"But she was thinking of leaving you." she reminds me. "If she's willing to do that, she's might be willing to axe your throat right open if it comes down to the two of you."

I think back to the arena, her considering choosing 3 strangers over me. "Be careful with your girlfriend, she might be the death of you." Vipsania told me. I slowly release her hand and look at the scars on my hand from saving her. I almost died for someone who was about to leave me. She wasn't my friend. She was my competition now.

"How good are you with an axe?" Coral interrupts.

I look up confused. "What?" 

"You're from 7, you must have some experience with it." she continues.

"I'm pretty good, use it almost everyday. Why?"

"Tanner thinks you might be some help to us in the games." she informs me. "To be honest, I only wanted your girlfriend cause she was a hottie, but you seem useful."

"You want me in your gang?" I ask.

"Yeah, unless you wanna stick by your traitor girlfriend, that's fine by me." she informs. "Your choice."

I think of 7. I think of my family, my friends, my home, my future, my dreams. My will to survive consumes me. The bombing reminded me how much I was caught up on Sierra I forgot about what mattered to me the most when I was reaped. Coming back home. I take a look at Sierra's unconscious body and back at Coral. 

"I'm in."

i got you {treech}Where stories live. Discover now