Amelia's Diary

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The day started like any other for Leela. She woke up, went about her morning routine, and prepared to face another day without her sister. But as she stepped out of her front door, she was met with an unexpected sight – two police officers standing solemnly on her doorstep.

Her heart skipped a beat as she approached them, a sense of dread settling in the pit of her stomach. She couldn't imagine what reason the police would have for coming to her home, but she knew it couldn't be good.

"Ms. Leela," one of the officers began, his voice gentle yet tinged with sadness. "We have something we need to discuss with you."

Leela's mind raced as she tried to prepare herself for the worst. Had they found Amelia? Was she okay?

"We found something that we believe belongs to your sister," the other officer added, holding out a weathered diary with trembling hands. "It was discovered among some belongings in an abandoned building not far from here. We thought you should have it."

Leela's hands shook as she reached out to take the diary, her eyes brimming with tears. She knew instinctively that this diary held the key to understanding what had happened to her sister, to unraveling the mystery of her disappearance.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the pounding of her heart.

The officers nodded solemnly before taking their leave, leaving Leela alone with the diary and her thoughts. As Leela flipped through the pages of Amelia's diary with trembling fingers, she felt a mix of emotions churning within her. She hesitated, unsure if she was ready to delve into the depths of her sister's past, but her curiosity and longing for closure urged her on. With trembling hands, she began to read immersing herself in the words of her sister, determined to uncover the truth no matter where it might lead.

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