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Kieran's POV

"Are you sure you are ready Jaspy?" Garreth asked with a tease. "You know we can always use a poly juice potion and I can pretend to be you. I have one ready for you" Garreth smiled as he placed his arms behind his neck in a proud stance.

"And have you explode the classroom again?" I chuckled as I elbowed the boy. "I'm trying to pass not get detention" My body stiffened and my head turned to him quickly "those take an insane amount of time to make and you have to have something of mine to do it...."

"Oh well would you look at the time! I think Penelope and Wendy were looking for-" and with that he rushed out quickly not even finishing his sentence.

"That boy is going to be the head of the ministry one day" Arthur said in a serious tone behind me. Our faces locked onto one another before we bursted out in laughter.

"Yeah and I'm going to be the worlds greatest Potionier" I teased before Arthur grabbed my neck in his arm and tilted me down.

"Well if you want to poison people be my guest" he laughed before he ruffled my hair and practically pushed me into Professor Sharps classroom. "Loser helps mom with dinner on Christmas break"

"Make sure your hands are clean. I like my meat well done" I pointed at him as I took my seat.

"Are you done?" Madeline asked with her hand under her chin. "Don't embarrass us Black" she rolled her eyes before she fixed her hair. Daria smiled softly before she reached up to adjust my disheveled hair.

"You know Jasper if you are going to rough house with a Weasley at-least make sure it's after class" She patted my shoulder before she took her seat next to me.

"Or not at all" Madeline scoffed. "I don't know what you find so interesting about them. I say they are nothing but a pitty party here at our school"

"Madeline, is that a blemish on your cheek?" I asked with my brow raised before Daria elbowed my side.

"Where?!" Madeline panicked before Professor Sharp walked in. He stopped at our table and gave a look of annoyance.

"As you are all aware. Today we will be brewing Amortencia. If it doesn't smell like the love of my life you fail" he said bluntly as he smashed his book on the table. "You are all to brew it separately. Normally I would have one ready for you to smell before hand, but someone in an earlier class decided it was a great idea to mess with it. Now I am left with a very good wart remover" he chuckled before he sat on his desk. "As you all know it's your last year here. When you return from winter break it will be your last semester and you will all graduate. I expect that you all work professionally and keep your hands to yourselves. You may begin" he stood from his desk and began to walk around the classroom.

I opened my book and sighed before gathering all my necessary ingredients. Every so often I'd smile catching glimpses of Daria blushing as she watched me.

"You guys are very cute" Madeline commented as she winked at Daria.

"Madeline" Daria laughed as she arranged her things.

I chuckled before I began to place my ingredients inside my cauldron. I kept stealing glances over at Arthur who held a smug grin. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. The once quiet room now filled with bubbling and clanking noises.

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