Chapter 45

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As Sarah explained the situation, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by fear and uncertainty. "But will I be safe?" I asked, my voice trembling with anxiety.

Sarah placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, offering me a reassuring smile. "Yes, Lily, you'll be safe," she said softly. "From now on, you'll be living with Michael in his mansion in the city. He'll make sure you're protected."

Still feeling apprehensive, I couldn't help but voice my doubts. "But why me?" I questioned, feeling a pang of insecurity. "Why would someone like Michael have any interest in me? What could he possibly see in me?"

Sarah's expression softened with sympathy as she looked at me. "Lily, you're a beautiful person, inside and out," she replied earnestly. "You have a kind and innocent heart, and you deserve to be loved. Michael sees something special in you, something worth protecting."

Her words brought a glimmer of hope to my heart, but I still couldn't shake off my doubts. "But he's involved in such a dangerous world," I murmured, feeling a sense of unease. "How can I trust him?"

Sarah took my hands in hers, her gaze filled with sincerity. "I know it's a lot to take in, Lily, but underneath his tough exterior, Michael is a good man," she explained gently. "He brought you into his world to keep you safe, to protect you from the dangers that lurk outside. Please, don't be angry with him. Give him a chance."

"I can't believe this, Sarah," I complained, frustration evident in my voice. "How can you say Michael is a good man when he's just throwing around these commands, expecting me to pack up and move without any say in the matter?"

Sarah sighed, her expression filled with sympathy. "Lily, please, you just have to trust me," she urged, her tone pleading. "I wouldn't have kept quiet if I didn't believe this was for the better."

Despite her reassurance, I couldn't shake off my doubts. How could I trust someone I barely knew, especially when he seemed to have so much power over my life?

"We need to finish packing," Sarah continued, her voice firm. "There isn't much time left."

I opened my mouth to object once again, but Sarah cut me off with a somber warning. "Lily, Michael will take you whether you go willingly or by force," she said gravely. "You don't have a say in the matter."

Fear gripped me once more as I realized the gravity of the situation. With no other options left, I reluctantly agreed to pack my bags, resigned to the fact that my fate was no longer in my hands.

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