Chapter 3

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Everyone gathered in the front yard

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Everyone gathered in the front yard. My father, brother, sister, my Amara, and a few of my brother's foolish friends were all present. I sat next to the bucket filled with water as everyone lined up to refill their water guns. As they started shooting water at each other, I simply tossed it in the air or to the side. I didn't really want to be there, but I had to be. I was aware of Liam's friends having a crush on Amara, and I wasn't going to let them make a move anytime soon. Amara and Kate stood off to the side, playfully dousing each other with water. I must admit, I felt a pang of envy towards my own sister. She had the ability to flirt with Amara, while I couldn't. My envy was momentarily interrupted when a stream of water splashed onto my face. I looked up to find Liam, chuckling mischievously. Without hesitation, I raised my water gun and unleashed a barrage of shots at him, never missing a single one. Liam shrieked with laughter as he darted around the garden, trying to evade my relentless assault. Suddenly, I felt a splash of water on my back. I turned around to see Amara, looking adorable as ever. She had been spraying me all along. I hadn't noticed that she continued until I was entirely soaked. Then, she rushed to refill her gun, only to be drenched by water. Ashton, my brother's idiotic friend, was behind the mischief. She chuckled while attempting to quickly refill her gun, but he beat her to it. Showering her with water from head to toe. Once she managed to refill her gun, she began firing back at Ashton. The playful water fight continued between the two of them. While they laughed, I looked away and made my way to the chair beside the bucket of water. Taking a seat, I watched them with a blank expression. I was desperate to find a way to get him out of there, but kicking him out was out of the question... the sound of their laughter infuriated me, damn my manners. I got up and approached him, but then stopped. There has to be a better way to do this. That's when it clicked. I grabbed my phone and texted mom. 'Mama, Liam's friend broke your plant pot'. and immediately, I mean immediately, she ran outside, she told everyone to stop playing around and go dry up. And of course she told Ashton and the other idiots to leave.
My admiration for my mother has grown.
With a slight smile, I leaned back in my seat, feeling accomplished. I closed my eyes and let the memory of the shop earlier today flood my mind.
I wondered where she was off to as I quietly followed Amara. She was making her way towards a huge shopping mall. I let out a sigh, knowing Kate would probably be there too. As expected, she went inside a store and started reprimanding my sister for who knows what reason. Can't I get scolded too? Who wouldn't want to be lectured by her? Snapping out of my daydreaming, I shook my head and turned my attention back to them, only to find that Amara had disappeared...
My heart skipped a beat as she emerged from one of the changing rooms, wearing a blue dress. I couldn't tear my eyes away, completely captivated by her enchanting presence. It felt as though she had woven a spell around me, leaving me utterly mesmerized. Snap out of it she's talking, shit. Look away...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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