what happend?

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when we make it to field gate the security stops us. Emma starts to argue with them, but i just search for Cabe. when i find him i shout "Cabe, get your ass over here!" he immediately gets up and starts jogging towards us. when he gets to us he says something to the security guards and they let us through. Emma runs into Cabes arms and hugs him "you were so great" she says. "well we this is only the first half darling and by the way, i didn't change" he says with a smir on his face. Emma jumps away from the hug and screams "ewww, bro you disgust me" i burst into laughter and in a bit Cabe and Emma join me. "but really you were good on the field" i say, looking at Cabe. oh he is so cute and tall and NOT AGAIN!! JUST STOP, PLEASE "thanks rosy" he says. the way that he said my name touched something in me and i start to cry. my dad used to call me rosy. most pepole do, but the warmness in Cabes voice just broke me. i feel dizzy. it goes black.

"ROSY! ROSY! ROSY! are you okay? please answer! wake up, wake up! please please please rosy please just wake up" was the first thing i heard. i open my eyes and Emma is sitting next to me on the field. "what happened?" i ask. "i dont know, you just started crying and the you passed out for like" and she cheks her phone "about a minute. Cabe went to get you water, oh there he is" says Emma quickly. Cabe gets to us and offers me a bottle of water. i take it and start to open it. it doesn't open. i look at Cabe with an embarresed face and offer the bottle back to him. he opens it and gives it back to me. "Em can you go back to out seats? the game's about to start." "what about you? you gonna lay here The hole game?" asks emma and I see that she is worried. "you can sit with the extras If you want to" says Cabe. "realll?" Im shocked, is my childhood dream begoming real just because I pahased out? i guess so."that would be great" I answer. "do you want to come sit with the boys to?" asks Cabe from Emma. "nah Im good" says Emma with a disgusted face "would like to sit away from sweaty balls and overrall balls". I start laughing like never before. I stand up, a little to quikly and start to fall, Cabe caches me. "byeee, and enyoy the balls I guess dear" shouts Emma to me when she is already out the field. we start walking to the seats when Cabe asks me "what happend?". "oh yea nothing... probally havent drinked enough water today" I answer. "no thats nlt it" he says "you started crying before that. did I say something wrong?" "no!" "then what was it?" I didn't want to tell him, it would stress him out. "do you really want to know?" "Yes!"

Cabe's POV:
She looks at me with warning in her eyes. "I want to know I really do" I say to her. "okay" she says. "it's just that when you sayd my name Rosy it just really reminded me The way my dad used to call me" what happend to her and her dad? I think. "what happend to youre dad?" I ask, maybe too fast" "oh... he died a year ago" she says. A YEAR? I would tegude to get out of bed. "you Are really strong, you know that?" she starts to say something, but The game IS about to start in like 5 minutes and I still have to ask coach If she can sit here. "be right back" I whisper her and run to my coach. "Hey Cabe, whats the rush? we have 5 minutes to chill." "yea I know, can my sisters friend stay here For now? she passed out before, I dont think it would be a good idea to get her back on The seat you know" "yea sure, why not, GUYS LETS CATHER AROUND AND TAKE A LOOK AT THE PLAN ONCE AGAIN!"

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