A Brief Glimpse of The She-Wolf of Winterfell

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Smiling, I nodded in agreement before squeezing their hands. Releasing them, I pushed myself up from the small couch and crossed away from the small sitting area. Stopping, I glanced back only to pet my hip. Endia released a joyful roar before jumping off the small couch. He trotted over with Lehna and Taria trailing behind. Reaching out, I opened the door, and with a glance down the corridor, I stepped out to lead them to the adjacent garden.

With a slight right turn to enter a corridor adjacent to the inner, we walked silently and suddenly kept a door ahead of us open. Slowing to a stop, we silently watched Janos Slynt, Pycelle, and Littlefinger exit the room, whispering amongst each other. Curious, I moved to approach to try and hear what they were saying when a gentle grip grasped my right wrist. Stopping, I breathed out and tapped my stomach three times. With soft steps, I felt Endia brush against the skirt of my gown before sitting at my feet while Lehna grasped my left hand. Taria adjusted her hold on my wrist and muttered, "let us go another way, my Lady." Turning my head, I opened my mouth to reply when the men began to walk toward us.

I spied Janos Slynt, who quickly recognized me and looked away while Littlefinger and Pycelle offered cold smiles. "My dear Ilyanna, I had thought you were attending the King's tournament." Stopping, Littlefinger moved to embrace me when Endia released an adorable roar causing Pycelle to yelp in surprise. "Did you not say that beast will keep to the Holdfast, Lady Stark?" Breathing through my nose, I softly said, "I assured King Joffrey that Endia would not be in his presence Grand Maester. I did not make the same promise for others." He blinked, surprised. "Considering my fierce protector was a gift from Prince Tommen, I thought it prudent to allow him time to exhaust himself before the young man visited after his lessons. Would you not agree that it is prudent of me to show the generosity of House Lannister and House Baratheon?" The older man feverishly nodded as Littlefinger smiled. "And why are you not enjoying the tournament like your sweet sister?" Breathing out, I flexed against my companion's hold before saying, "the event was unexpectedly interrupted by the unexpected arrival of Lord Tyrion and Princess Myrcella's desire to share her recent purchases with me." Littlefinger hummed, amused, while Pycelle offered a sharp nod, but what surprised me was the way Janos continued to stare at Endia. Endia must have noticed as well because he released a faint roar. Amused by my companion's unwavering loyalty, I asked, "you seem taken with my lion cub, Ser? Is he the first you have encountered?"

Janos lifted his gaze to meet my ice-cold eyes before uttering, "forgive me, Lady Stark, I did not mean to stare, but you are correct. This is the first time I encountered a lion cub." Humming, I pulled away from my companions and clasped my hands before me. "Neither have I until Prince Tommen had the forethought to provide me with such a fierce protector in the absence of the direwolf my Father gifted me." Janos gulped at my casual mention of direwolves. "We should hurry if you wish to pray in the Kingswood before Prince Tommen escapes his lessons, my Lady." Nodding at Taria's suggestion, I turned to excuse myself when Littlefinger uttered, "excuse me, gentlemen, but I must bid you a good day, for I have an essential matter to discuss with Lady Stark." They bowed their heads and hurried away, leaving my companions, Endia and me, in the company of the man that betrayed my Father. Holding his arm, he calmly uttered, "shall we?" Breathing out, I forced a pleasant smile as I fought against stabbing him in the arm with my hidden dagger as I took his arm. With that, he led me through the corridors with Endia beside me as Lehna and Taria silently trailed behind us.

Exiting a corridor, I moved to release his arm as we entered an open-air courtyard littered with Lannister guards when he clasped his hand over mine. Breathing slowly, I glanced away from the Lannister guards, noticing that a young man was offering Littlefinger a gaze of annoyance. Surprised by his attention, I quickly glanced away, gently brushing the skirts of my gown away from my feet as Littlefinger led me toward one of the Keep's many blooming gardens. "I apologize that it has been some time since we last spoke, my dear Ilyanna." Fighting against the urge to vomit over him while Taria or Lehna commanded Endia to attack, I softly said, "yes, it has been some time, Lord Baelish, but I did not take offense as I know you are a busy man between your duties to the King, his Small Council, and your establishments. In the interim, I have enjoyed spending time with the few ladies of the West that reside within the capital, the King's younger siblings, my sister, and my companions."

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