Beware the Teeth and Claws of a Cornered Wolf

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Lifting the skirts of my dirty gown, I sprinted through the corridors of the Red Keep toward Sansa's room, praying the cut on her head was her only injury. Coming around a corner, I breathed in and out as I entered the corridor leading to our rooms to find Taria and Lehna approaching me, clearly afraid. Spearing each a glance, I uttered, "bring Maester Chaffton to Sansa's chambers." Both nodded before sprinting to carry out my request as I kept moving.

Approaching Sansa's room, I opened the door and glanced at Lydden as he uttered, "I will remain outside until needed." Relieved, I stepped inside, closing the door after me to find Sansa sitting on a bench seat still, dressed in her filthy gown, trembling as a woman with dark hair and almond-shaped eyes wearing the typical flowing pale pink gown favored by the servants of the Red Keep observed her. Enraged, I shouted, "why have you not helped my sister out of the garments she was attacked in!"

The woman jumped and stared at me with a narrowed glare of contempt. "She will not stand!" Sneering, I wanted to slap the girl for her stupidity. Instead, I yelled, "go find someone to bring in a bath and get her a fresh set of clothing." She opened her mouth to retort my request when Sansa uttered, "please do as my sister Ilyanna has asked Shae." Huffing, she turned to do as instructed as I approached Sansa and kindly said, "I know you want to curl up with Father's last gift to you, but before you can, we need to get you out of those clothes. Once free of those garments, we can see if you are hurt anywhere else but your head." Sniffling, she slowly stood as I offered a kind smile before asking, "can I help you remove your gown?" She nodded as I reached out and gently turned the belt about her waist to remove it. Loosen the belt clanged to the ground with a thud, allowing me to begin untying the solid, light-pink dress. The garment hung open until Sansa shook her shoulders, forcing it to fall to the floor. It made a gentle thud as she turned to look at it, and before I could guide her, she dropped to her knees, tearing at the ruined dress and screaming out her frustration.

Feeling the anguish, rage, and fear in her screams, I kneeled beside her and gently asked, "do you feel better?" She breathed in and out before glancing at me. "They were going to..." Nodding, I gently reached out and wrapped my arm around her trembling shoulders, feeling her thin arms encircle my waist. I placed a kiss on her forehead, not caring if her blood had dripped from her cut to stain my gown. "But they didn't, thanks to Sandor." I gently ran my fingers through her mused hair until she uttered, "I can still feel their hands holding me down." Recalling the numerous unwanted encounters with Ser Preston and Theon's lingering advancement, I heard myself say, "I want to tell you that it will fade with time, but even I can still feel Preston's lingering unwanted touches on me." Sniffling, I slowly rocked us back and forth, uttering, "what you are feeling is understandable, and I will be here to listen if you want to cry, scream, or talk when you are ready." Her sniffles slowly began to subside as the door opened and closed.

Turning toward the sound, I was unsurprised to find Taria and Lehna watching us with shared sympathy while Shae glared. Ignoring Shae, I glanced at the ruined gown before looking at Lehna. With a nod, she hurried forward to discard it while Taria gently approached and uttered, "Lady Sansa?" She glanced at Taria, who offered a kind smile before asking, "do you want us to assist you in removing the remainder of your clothes so you can bathe?" Breathing in and out, she uttered, "yes, I would like that very much, Miss Hill." Taria's smile grew as she held her hands out to Sansa to help her stand. She placed her hands in Taria's and sluggishly stood up. "Come with me, my Lady, and we will get you cleaned up." Standing, I glared at Shae and glanced at Sansa. "Do you want me to remain? I asked Lehna and Taria to bring Maester Chaffton to..." Sansa smiled sadly, saying, "I think I will be okay with Shae watching over Maester Chaffton. While I am grateful that you continue to protect me and place yourself within harm's way to keep me safe, it is time I learn to protect myself." Feeling tears prickle within my eyes, I approached and gently pulled Sansa into my arms before kissing her temple uttering, "you are my sister. There is nothing I will not do to see you safe and happy." She sighed into my embrace before saying, "thank you." Fighting back the tears, I pulled back and said, "there is no need for thanks." Smiling, I gently kissed Sansa's cheek and uttered, "do not hesitate to call if you need me." Pulling back, she gave a decisive nod before trailing after Shae, leaving me with Taria and Lehna.

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