Part 1 of 3

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As the snow filled the streets, I stayed concealed within the warmth and protection of my house, placing my handmade Christmas decorations around my home. I enjoyed the crackling fire as it comforted my frostbitten fingers. Hanging the last bulb on the tree, a sharp knock at my front door broke the silence, startling me out of my peace. It was weird to get visitors during the winter time and especially at this time of day. The sun was pretty low on the horizon and it was freezing outside. If you take into account there was no power and barely any safety in these abandoned streets, no one dared leave their home so close to darkness. There were several good reasons to stay put. However, today someone was pounding on my door with urgency and of course, I had to answer.

I placed the box of bulbs next to the artificial tree and headed to the cold chill of my front door. Without pulling the blinds, I yanked the door open to my guest. With the snow falling thickly behind her, the whiteness contrasted with the dark uniform that Dubnium wore.

"Hello, Moscovium," Dubnium looked me up and down, noticing that I was already in my pyjamas. "Tantalum asked me to look for you. She needs you for something, important, she says. Can you be ready?" Dubnium's stern tone made my heart jump just thinking about the fact that Tantalum needed me! Me?! This must be something important, but why me of all people?

"Yes, of course I can. Do you want me to meet you there, or.."

"No. I will wait. Hurry." I closed the door as I ran to my room, my arms stretching across the area to grab some decent clothes for the weather. I yanked on a coat and some boots to finish my outfit before I left the bedroom.

"Okay, I'm ready. Take me there."

Once we were outside, I stepped from the doorway and to Dubnium's side. The entire time we trudged toward the base, the snow lashed at my face and the bitter wind stung my eyes, making them water. I continued behind Dubnium, trying to keep up with her. I couldn't tell what direction we were headed in. The storm had completely turned me around. On top of being disoriented, I couldn't believe that Dubnium was still dressed so scandalously. Wasn't she cold? Dubnium seemed invincible to the deadly temperatures. It made me glad that she was the one walking in front and not me. At least she was blocking some of the violent wind.  Finally, we arrived at the military base. It stood there, strongly looming against the white background.

I couldn't shake the feeling of dread as we approached the gate. I fought with myself, thinking about what Tantalum could possibly need from me. I didn't do anything wrong, or, not that I could think of. I guess I'd find out once we were through that door, and once again with a wall between us and the storm.

Once we were inside the main gates and then inside the first section of the base, we found ourselves in the main hallway of the place, constantly passing by open entrances that led to other sections of this buildings. I followed Dubnium down the forever stretching hall, making sure to stay close to her. Even if we weren't exactly close friends, I felt some degree of safety being near her in this building. Our language had brought us together, so we had became friends that way.  We were the only ones in this town who spoke Russian. With no way of communicating with others, there was an obvious barrier between me and everyone else. With me and Dubnium, it was different. We were able to speak to one another.

Approaching the end of this narrow hallway, a scary thought crossed my mind. I was going face to face with the leader, and I had to admit, I wasn't just scared, I was terrified.

At the end was a set of massive metal doors that took up the entire width of the hallway. The doors opened inward to an equally massive room. There was a large metal table that separated me and Dubnium from the people who stood across from us. There she was. Tantalum, and Technetium stood to her right. They acknowledged our arrival with a quick nod then looked back down just as quickly. I could see that Technetium was holding two slips of paper and two small books.

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