Part 2 of 3

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"This is your captain speaking. In a couple minutes we'll be landing in Moscow, please do up your seatbelts and put down your tables. We'll be arriving shortly." I snapped out of my drowsiness, rubbing my eyes to finally see the plane window again. The sun seared my eyes at first, but quickly, I was able to see the snow below, fallen onto the world. Just like when we first got on, I was once again stuck onto the window, watching the area below grow closer and closer. I turned back to fasten my seat belt and to look at Dubnium, just for her to be face first in the table, dead asleep in the seat. I didn't want to be rude, but it felt necessary to wake her before we touched down.

"Hey, get up! We're landing soon." I moved her shoulder back and forth, which quickly shot her up from the table in a daze. It actually kinda startled me.

"Huh, what's going on? Oh," Her eyes scanned around the plane before she sighed, pushing back up her table. "I hadn't realized I had fallen asleep, sitting in seat for long must've made me tired. Anyways, you said we're almost there?" I went to nod before the speaker came back on. It broke the news before I could.

"We're are now landing in Домодедово Airport. Once again, make sure you have your seatbelts on." I watched out the window again, seeing the plane dive down to the ground and back to the landing strip. The wheels bounced off the ground as they rolled to a stop. Outside was still covered in snow. it looked the same as it did eleven hours ago back in America, but, I knew it was different, way, way different. We were across the globe now.

I was practically jumping out of my seat while people exited the plane, grabbing their luggage and leaving out the doors to finally give us the chance to get up. When our row was getting out, I followed Dubnium back down a similar hall and into airport again. It was a completely new airport, a completely new place. The way the area looked, the lack of the English language, it almost brought a sense of home, even if home was farther than I could even imagine.

"Well, here we are. How do you feel?" Dubnium turned to me as we made our way into yet another line up.

"I feel great! Oh my god, I can't believe we're actually here, I can't believe we actually made it! We.. really are here." It felt so weird, being so far from familiarity.. it was incredible, but so scary. We were surrounded by potential danger in all directions, but no one knew our secrets, and that's what kept us safe. We were secured behind the identities of tourists, not spies.

The line passed by fast, and before I even knew it, I was once again stood by Dubnium, listening to her ramble on about something to the person behind the counter. It was all in Russian this time instead of English. I realized that Dubnium was going to take an advantage of this mostly non-English speaking country. She was going to use every chance she got to avoid using English, as she usually did. We were trying to learn English, it was pretty much mandatory for living in a town of Americans, but she'd always slip past the rule and go against it. Now that we were in Russia, I'd never hear the end of it. I guess this could be good though, being able to speak and read my own language everywhere I went, maybe it could be a benefit. After all, that's why we were the ones who were chosen to go.

After what felt like years of line ups, getting our luggage, and finally leaving the massive airport into the snow, we called a taxi to pick us up. We were sat outside the airport, holding our bags once again in our hands. We awaited our driver to bring us to the hotel that was booked in advance, probably by Technetium. Dubnium had reassured me that giving a human the trust of bringing us somewhere was alright, even if I stayed uneasy about it. It felt weird putting so much dependence on people who tired to kill us a year ago.. But, instead of arguing against it, when the yellow car arrived, we threw our stuff into the back and got in. The car started to drive when the guy driving it moved his eyes to the back mirror.

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