1. Google, Don't fail me

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It's a beautiful morning. You wake up groggy and look around in your room for something that could motivate you to get up.

Your backpack was grinning at you right now from ear to ear. well, backpacks don't smile but you know what's up.

You sat up straight and went to the bathroom. Pulling out your phone, you grabbed your toothbrush, put toothpaste, watered it a bit, and typed in Jeff the killers origin story, but to your surprise, nothing popped up.

You raised a brow and left the toothbrush to sit in your mouth while you checked all apps on your phone to see where you could find something of sort.

Not only was it jeff, but it was the entire franchise! Jack, Sally, Slenderman..You name it! almost as if they didn't exist! You continued pondering on what could've happened.

'Are they banned from my country as of last night? no, that's too soon, there would still be some posts lurking around...' you thought carefully as your mirror reflection also stared at the sink.

You spit into the sink and turned on the faucet, letting the water wash away your spit.

You went back to your room and got dressed. You checked in your backpack if you had everything inside, and you did.

The clock on your phone hit run time(time to leave and go to school).

Your backpack was now on your shoulder(or shoulders) and you were out the door with a 2 tins of catfood in your hands.

You slowly paced on the sidewalk, keeping a lookout for any hungry cats. To your surprise, one cat, that you've never seen before was curling against your leg.

It's black, untamed fur, stuck to your shoes, You took off the lid and placed the tin of food infront of it, but it just sat and purred. it's strange eyes boring into your soul.

Slightly creeped by it's unusual gaze, You tried to think of something that would get it to eat, like a command if the previous owners of this cat had

"..Go?... eat?..dinner time?...din din,?" You muttered out. the cat continued to stare while it's purring intensified.

You sighed, "oh jimmy, i don't know," You told the strange cat.

Crouching, you reached out and gently scratched it's chin. Then, once you retracted your hand, the cat started to eat.

"finally jimmy, don't want you starving"

You began to walk away, with an eerie feeling following behind you.

You looked into the halls and nobody was around, assuming everyone had already went into their homeroom classes, You were headed to yours.

You began to hear the footsteps of 2 other people following closely behind you.

Curiously and precatiously, You turned your head over your shoulder and you spotted 2 kids you've never seen before.

The younger one shuddered back when seeing you had spotted them. The older looking one stood silent for a few seconds before speaking.

"..Sorry for..following, but um.. we're kinda new here and we don't know where-"

"Yeah sure i'll show both of you your classes". The older smiled and sighed. the one with the long hair though just looked puzzled. 'You know..these two remind me an awful lot of liu and jeff..'

Your thoughts were cut short when the brown haired kid suspected that you were confused on his on his brothers expression. He quickly spoke, introducing himself.

"I'm liu woods and this is my brother jeffrey...we sorta ran into trouble on the way here but I think it's all..taken care of.."

You immediatley clenched your jaw to prevent it from dropping out of shock.

You smiled and brushed it off as a coincidence or some parents who liked creepypasta too.

"I'm Y/n. hand me the schedules, i'll check em." They both handed you their schedules and you checked them.

"okay...liu, your class is right there," You pointed right next to you and handed his schedule.

"and jeff, you're with me" jeffrey looked at you strangely, maybe because of the shortened name but we'll just assume that.You both entered the classroom and the bell rang immediatley, huh...weird

Jeffrey just went to an empty seat, which happened to be yours but you didn't feel like bothering at the moment so you just sat at another empty seat

School was ending and you were finally at your last period of the day.

You had to show jeff and liu their classes for the entire day but all is good. They might even be considering you as a friend.

Last period was also with jeff, but your teacher had made a seating chart yesterday so you couldn't sit with him to help on what he could've missed out on.

You sat next to a long brown haired girl with beautiful green eyes. she smiled at you and you awkwardly smiled back.

"That boy your showing around, that's my front door neighbor." You nodded at her words but when they finally passed through your head, you started to sweatdrop.

"You know those three bullies always tormenting the people at the school with their stupid pocket knifes?" You shook your head while putting a curious face.

'oh please don't turn where i think this will turn!' you shrieked in your head. Believing it's all coincidence

..all coincidence...She smiled and continued.

The more she spoke, the more it all added up to much to be a coincidence such as the names, the placement, the timing...oh jeez please no

She then stopped on her words and stared at jeff strangely. "y'know what, maybe we should..stay away from him" she spoke cautiously.

You looked over to where she was looking and spotted jeffs hidden sadistic expression and uncanny smile.

He then looked straight towards you, His eyes seemed dark, no longer a ocean blue but more of a dead sea kind of dark.

You breath halted, out of a defensive instinct, You awkwardly smiled and put a thumbs up before looking away

The girl with the long brown hair slightly smiled before speaking.

"I'm jane, You're Y/n... right?"

oh dear...this isn't looking so good for you y/n..

Words: 1034

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