2. I think we're friends now..

23 6 4

You came home, absolutely flabbergasted by the previous events. Your mom called for you. Her voice sweet and kind.

A nice break from the thought of the high risk that Jeff was gonna kill you in at most 2 months.

You walked in the kitchen and saw her simultaneously cooking and baking. She turned to you with a smile. "Y/n, mind fixing up the table a bit?" She asked

You looked at her confused, walking up to the table and fixing up the props. "Are we having guests over?" You asked curiously.

"Yes we do! I invited our new neighbors for dinner! And they have two sons about your age~" She grinned with a flirty mood in the air.

You rolled your eyes and laughed but then it hit you...New? two? boys?

"Ma..just when did they move?" You anxiously asked

"oh, just a few day ago, I think you've might have met their sons at school today" She responded in her carefree tone.

Your heart began to pound loudly.

Oh how everthing is just so convienient. What the hell do you do!? Befriend them!? Prevent jeff and liu from the paths of murder?!

Wait..That might be a good idea...You smirked to yourself and continued fixing the table. The lingering question in your mind on how or when did they get here?


Around an hour or two have passed since you helped your mom out in the kitchen.

You looked outside your window, noticing that the house in front of yours was...janes?!

You opened the window and let the wind blow softly on your face. As much as you wanted to call out, you shouldn't.

I mean, Jane did want to stay away from Jeff..and she was right for that. Her intuition of Jeff is completely right.

The doorbell rang and you immediately rushed down to get it, slipping and probably hurting yourself but that didn't matter at the moment. You picked yourself up again and opened the door.

There, You were greeted by the smiling faces of the woods family, Well..More of the parents but it's alright.

You smiled at them with a welcoming gestures. The two boys smiled when they saw a familiar face.

They came in and you showed them to the dinner table.

Jeffrey's oh so beautiful blue eyes came back to its natural hue which shook off your fear a bit.

Though a lingering sense of paranoia was still hanging strong in the hairs of your neck.

And liu...He's still the very polite and respectful liu.

The parents joked and gossiped, while us kids, Sat poking at our food. The food was delicious except that it was boring and awkward when nobody strikes a conversation.

You had finished your plate already and weren't in the mood for seconds.

The two boys had also finished so you decided to help relieve their boredom with a one game of uno. You held the small box in your hand and asked both of them, to your greatness, they said yes.


Atmosphere was low and dim while the only light in the room was a lamp. You whined slightly and muttered about how bad your cards were but also making it audible enough so the 2 boys would be fooled.

The game consited of 'You're cheating!' and 'haha, got you!...shit.'

You laughed when they thought they had you cornered, but ended up having cards in their deck. You've also seen them team cheat to try to sabotage you but they still weren't able to beat you.

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