Chapter 1 - Welcome To A New Galaxy

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The galaxy is in an era of unbalance, destruction, and darkness

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The galaxy is in an era of unbalance, destruction, and darkness.

For centuries a ruthless war was waged between Jedi knights and Sith sympathizers. Long did the Jedi prevail against their foe, thwarting the Sith's dark designs and maintaining a fragile peace throughout the galaxy. Many hoped for the day when the Jedi finally put an end to the Sith's sinister cult. Surely that day would come, for the light shall always triumph over the dark, right? But such a day never dawned. The centuries of war took a great toll on the Jedi order, leaving it weak and fractured. But as the Jedi dwindled, the Sith grew stronger. More and more force users succumbed to their promises of power. Apprentices became lords. Masters became commanders. And eventually, a time came when the Jedi could no longer protect the galaxy from the Sith - for they did not even have the strength to protect themselves.

The ice planet of Illum is where the fate of the galaxy was sealed. The Sith Syndicate received word that the few Jedi left in the galaxy had gathered in an ancient temple there, and began to discuss desperate options for resisting Sith expansion. With devastating speed the syndicate fleet surprised the Jedi, and carried out a ruthless orbital bombardment of the planet below. Every single Jedi that had traveled to Illum was confirmed to be dead, and with them died the last flicker of hope in the galaxy.

It's been almost 40 years since then, and the Sith Syndicate has evolved into the Sith Priesthood. Their ruling council of elders took up residence in the Jedi temple on Coruscant, and they have come to rule the Galactic Republic from the shadows. By appointing puppet chancellors and lording over the senate with violence and intimidation, the Sith have grown strong - and their dark hand reaches far and wide. However, unbeknownst to the priesthood, a small collection of systems constructed a formidable droid army in secret. Initially these systems mounted a successful rebellion against Sith rule, but an emergency executive order from the Chancellor has placed a new clone army at the Republic's disposal. Sith generals have just unleashed a devastating campaign against the rebel regions, and their forces march ever closer to the rebel capital of Mandalore.

But even as their victory draws near, the Sith elders grow restless. For word has reached their ear that a graver threat than rebellion remains in the galaxy. There are whispers that a powerful Jedi master somehow survived the destruction of Illum, and now plots to overthrow the Sith priesthood once and for all. Our story begins on Coruscant, in the council chambers of the old Jedi temple. The Zabrak leader of the Sith council of elders, Darth Barik, rises from his seat of power and begins to address his fellow dark lords.

"Since we have curbed the rebel advance and forced them to flee our armies in fear, I believe the time has finally come for us to move against this rumored Jedi. He's survived this long as a coward, hiding in the shadows. So if we are to find him, we must be careful and cunning. We must find a way draw him out..."
"And how do you suggest we do that?" Asked lord Tynarii.
"By extorting the one weakness the Jedi have always had. Their mercy. Summon Chancellor Argonius. Have him meet me in my quarters immediately. We will see if we can't help this Jedi find his bravery once again." And with that, the council was adjourned... and a sinister Sith plan was set in motion.

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