Chapter 5 - Walk With Me

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Barik rushed toward Argonius with Sabre held high, releasing a flurry of sinister strikes

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Barik rushed toward Argonius with Sabre held high, releasing a flurry of sinister strikes. The chancellor blocked each one, not once attempting a retaliating blow. He maintained his footing, kept an eye on his surroundings, and waited for the right time to strike. His defense was strong, but Barik was merciless. He would not relent until the Jedi was cut down. A narrow miss at his side caused Argonius to stumble to his left, losing his footing and falling to a knee. Barik bore his saber down upon him. Argonius desperately tried to resist his opponent, but Barik was too strong. The crossed sabers moved closer and closer to the Chancellors face.

The other Elders managed to regain consciousness, and rose to their feet. "Go! Kill the boy!" Said Barik as he fought to overpower the chancellor. "No!" Yelled Argonius. He rolled to his right, breaking away from Barik long enough to leap across the room and land next to Arthur. Barik stepped in between the other Sith. "Very well then. If you want to die side by side, so be it!" He reached out a hand and lightning shot forth from it. The other sith followed suit. Argonius raised his saber, barely managing to block the attack. "Get ready, son!" He said as he strained against the power of the Dark Side. With one final effort, he shifted the angle of his saber just enough to redirect the lightning back at the three sinister figures. The Sith howled in pain as the lightning tore through their bodies. "Now!" Said Argonius. Arthur stepped back and released a mighty rush of force energy, pushing Barik and his elders out of the office, through the back window, and down into the chasm of coruscant below.

Argonius pressed a hand to his son's face and smiled. "Well done, my boy. Well done." He groaned as sat down on the steps, breathing heavily and dripping with sweat. His robes were torn, and Arthur spotted several saber burns across his arms and legs. "Father, you're injured. You should rest." He said. "No." Said Argonius. "There's too much to be done. Quickly, in my desk there's a haloprojector. Bring it to me." Arthur retrieved the haloprojector. When Argonius activated it, a hologram of a clone commander appeared. "What are your orders, sir?" The clone asked. "Carry out order 77." Said the Chancellor. "Yes sir." The clone disappeared. "Now, my son. Come. Walk with me." Arthur helped his father to his feet and they made their way to the chancellors private landing pad.

"Remember all that I have taught you. Lead right, and lead just." Said Argonius as he placed a hand on Arthur's shoulder.
"But father..." Arthur began. "You said we shouldn't concern ourselves with right and wrong."
"No, my boy. I said the Sith do not concern themselves with such things. So why should we?"
A look of recognition dawned on Arthur's face. "Because we are not Sith."
Argonius smiled with pride at the wisdom of his son. "Our goal is not to make things as they could be, but as they should be. And to do that, we must first see things for what they are. Life as we know it is crumbling. People are starving. War is raging. The senate needs you, Arthur. The galaxy needs you."
"No, they need you." Said Arthur.
"My son, for years I allowed the Sith to wreak havoc on planet after planet, waiting until the time came for me to strike. I did nothing..." A painful severity broke across the chancellor's face. "I'm afraid my hands are stained with the blood of thousands. But yours are clean. Use them to build something that the Sith can never take away. Promise me you will do this?"
Arthur nodded. "I promise."
"Good" Said Argonius. "Now, as the clone army rids the galaxy of Sith once and for all, I do believe I have a new path ahead of me. I survived illum because I wasn't on illum. I felt the force was leading me in a different direction. I have a similar feeling now as I did then... There are others out there, like you and me. Younglings in need of a teacher. When I return, it will be with them by my side. Farewell, my son. For now." Arthur stood on the platform watching as his father's ship took off and disappeared into the night sky.

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