Writing 1.

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Ajar it was.

Subtle. Fly sized. Cracked slightly it was. Simple a door. Lined by white. Roughed from use.

Pounding was the head.

Tired. Rythmic pulse. Abused rampant thoughts. Unforgiving was the yelling. The children. The screaming.

Anemic were the words.

Exhausted. Lackluster phrases. Devoid meaning, to it. Continuation was to come. It did nothing. Constant.

Thorough its day.

Restless. Constant neglect. It was training. Unnecessary the pain was. Rude the comments. Rude they were.

Harassed by insensitivity.

Slammed. The Door. Less open in this moment. Atoms apart now. Rattled and shaken. Cracked was the wall.

Youth was it?

Alien. Uninspiringly loud. Painful for it. Was...this normal? Unsure it is. Rude awakening little one.

No longer was the door Ajar.

Ajar It Was.Where stories live. Discover now