Chapter 8: Hooray for Mollywood!

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We open the scene with the McGee's at the living room. They are about to watch a movie. Pete is the focus point at the start

Pete: You know what I love most about McGee's Family Movie Night? Recreating the theater experience!

His phone rings, the phone then falls a bowl of popcorn while trying to silence it

They stands behind the couch holding a flashlight like a guards

Molly: Uh, sir, We're gonna have to ask you to turn that off.

Pete: See? Movie magic.

[Video call]

Grandma Nin: And just like the movies...

She struggles to open a bag of chip

Grandma Nin: I snuck in my own snacks!

His movie in hand

Darryl: Good news! Scratch and I found the scariest movie ever!

He appears in between Pete and Sharon

Scratch: It has a ghost! And there's nothing scarier than ghosts!

He uses his ghost powers to steal the popcorn from Pete, he then takes out Pete's from from his mouth as he eats the popcorn

Sharon: Especially when they chew with their mouths open...

Nightwolf: We're gonna have nightmares for weeks...We can't wait! Hit play!

The movie then starts, a ghost and a woman's screaming is heard. The scene then changes to the end of the movie showing the McGee's completely bored from it

Darryl: That wasn't even scary! Too many talking head, not enough severed heads!

Scratch: Yeah, and those ghost stereotypes? Answer me this Molly and Nightwolf, do I talk like this all the time?

[Scary voice]


Molly: Sometimes you do.

Scratch: Eh, that's just for effect, but...

Darryl: We could probably make a better movie ourselves!

They gasps

Nightwolf: That's a great idea! We can make a horror movie! I mean, we've got a real ghost.

Scratch: I'll do it! And it'll be the performance of an after-lifetime!

Molly: We'll direct, obviously. Libby can write the script, and Darryl, you can film it on your phone!

Darryl: I didn't get the phone with six cameras for no reason!

Nightwolf: Let's make some movie magic!

The scene changes to the softball field where Molly, Nightwolf, Scratch, and Libby are getting ready to start filming. Libby is setting up the background while Molly and Scratch go over the script

Scratch: Are we sure Libby's not a ghost? Because her script is SPOOKY accurate!

Molly: Uh-huh. Put this on!

They puts a ghost costume on Scratch

Nightwolf: Great work, Libby!

Libby: Ahh!

Molly: The script's great, the set's even better! Now try on your costume!

Libby: But that's for Angela.

Nightwolf: Yes, and who better to bring Angela to life than you, the writer who created her! Right? Also, you're the only person available.

Libby: Oh, no, no, no, Molly and Nightwolf...the very thought of people watching me... on screen... in HD... makes me... 

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