Chapter 15. Annoying Twin Sister (and other annoying stuff)

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Blackdrift finally made it to his dorm room, and he couldn't be any happier to be on his own again. He was still feeling quite emotionally drained from the whole night, and he just wanted to go to bed and sleep this whole thing off.

He finally made it to his dorm room, and he couldn't be any happier to be on his own again. Blackdrift was still feeling quite emotionally drained from the whole night, and he just wanted to go to bed and sleep this whole thing off.

------------------------------------NEXT MORNING--------------------------------------

Blackdrift woke up the next morning, feeling even more exhausted than usual. The stressful feelings from the night before were still lingering in his head, and he just took a few minutes to collect himself.

But just a few moments later, there was a knock on the door. Blackdrift sighed, knowing that this meant his stupid sister was coming to ask him an abundance of questions about the stupid dance.

"Come in." Blackdrift said, in a tone that showed how annoyed he was to be bothered already.

Blackdrift's twin sister, Snowstar, barged into the room, looking all too amused at her brother's sour mood.

"Hey! Good morning!" Snowstar said, with an overly cheerful attitude, which just made him even more annoyed.

He noticed one very similar point between Snowstar and Starlight: annoying, talkative, and overly cheerful.

Snowstar kept giggling, which was making Blackdrift even more irritated. But his sister was very insistent on getting the story from him, and she wouldn't leave him alone until he gave her what she wanted.

"Tell us everything that happened! I bet you and your little date were adorable!" Snowstar said with a smirk, which was slowly starting to get on Blackdrift's last nerve.

"And, do you two like, like each other?" She added jokingly, and Blackdrift couldn't help but let out a low growl, as his patience was just wearing thin by this point.

"Tell meee, I want to know everything!" Snowstar said, sounding more and more stupidly annoying now. She was clearly not going to give up until she got the details from him.

"Ugh! Whatever." Blackdrift said, feeling too tired and annoyed to try and fight back against his sister. "She was the most annoying person I've ever met. I didn't have a single good moment in that whole stupid evening."

"Really?" Snowstar said, sounding almost too happy at this piece of information. "Was she acting all cute and adorable with you? Did she act kawaii?!"

"Ugh, yes! She kept going on about all this stupid kawaii bullshit, and it was the most irritating thing ever." Blackdrift said, sounding increasingly frustrated now, as he found his sister getting amused at his frustration.

"Hehe, did she flirt with you?" Snowstar asked, trying her best to stay composed and hide her excitement, but she was having a hard time hiding the joy that his misery was bringing her.

Just then, an announcement sounded in the hallway. "It seems like we've made a mistake in calling the last dance 'prom'. We apologise to all the people who wore formal clothes last night."

"Huh?" Blackdrift said, looking confused at this sudden announcement. He was a bit preoccupied with his sister still trying to get the story from him, but this announcement made him quite baffled."What do you think that could mean?" Snowstar said, breaking Blackdrift out of his confusion temporarily, as he turned to go look out the door to make sense of this announcement.

The speaker continued. "We've mistaken 'prom' as in, end-of-the-year formal dance, with this start-of-the-year neutral one"

"Grammatical errors" Blackdrift muttered. "What do they even mean by 'neutral'?"

"Neutral dance? You know, the sort of dance where you dress informally, and everyone is free to wear anything they like." Snowstar explained, with a smirk.

"That's informal," Blackdrift said.

"Uh huh." Snowstar agreed, with that ever annoying smirk on her face. "So this was just a casual dance, nothing special?"

"Who cares," her brother sighed with an exasperated tone.

"Well, apparently the people who spent a large chunk of their money renting or buying 'prom' attire do." Snowstar said with a smirk.

Blackdrift couldn't help but let out another low growl, as his annoyance towards her behavior kept increasing. "Oh get lost. You know I didn't mean it like that."

"Awww, do you think you wore the wrong thing? Do you think you were overdressed?" Snowstar said, in an exaggerated tone.

"Hoodie, ripped jeans, all in black, yeah, very  overdressed."

"Oooo, so edgy." Snowstar said, mocking his clothing choice.

Blackdrift just rolled his eyes, and he simply ignored her from then on. The whole time, she tried to get a reaction out of him, but he knew that the worst thing he could do was give her what she wanted. So he just ignored her, as he knew this just pissed her off more.

A few moments later, she finally gave up, just giving him a sarcastic thumbs up before walking out of the room again. Now finally, Blackdrift was completely alone, and he finally felt a bit more at ease being by himself again.

Sorry I was late updating, I've just broken my finger while playing basketball so I couldn't  type for a month 😓 (insert x2 apologise)

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