*3*istirahat saat hari minggu tiba

518 9 0

On Sunday, all members of the TNF family rested. There were no missions being carried out. However, one of their members really wanted to get a mission, namely Gin and Riji

Riji: come on, give us missions

Arion: no. It's Sunday, everyone should rest

Gin: let us do just one mission

Arion: all right. Rob the banks in your respective cities, 3 banks each because there are 6 banks there

Riji: alright, we will do it

Gin: use your car, Riji, my car is currently in the workshop

Riji: alright then

When the mission was completed

Riji: this is the result of the robbery

Arion: good. Deposit it in our bank

Gin: alright

Caine: aren't you supposed to rest

Gin: I want to do a mission, mom

Riji: me too

Caine: okay, if that's what you want. This is your coffee, Rion

Arion: thank you, dear

Caine: um, you're welcome - Caine responded nervously when called dear

Okay, that's it for now, I'm tired

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