*11* the battle has begun

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Hin, him, and hir are insults to hima and hira, hina is a man. Hina: can we use more weapons and can we contact base 2 to be on guard, right? Hima: brother. Base 2 has been inactive for almost a week! Hira: how about base 3? Hima: that's fine, we can contact sero and sherly. On the TNF side Gin: scatter everyone! Everyone (except Gin): okay! On the JJV side Sherin: I found their location, follow me, they're all scattered, I'll give you their location. When everyone gathers for war Hima: so this is what TNF is, weak indeed. Souta: watch your words, deputy!

Sorry you can,t read this anymore😭😭😭

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