02 | i usually hate mondays

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monday, september 1

sasha's alarma want off at 7:30. even tho she could've had slept in a little more today she wanted to have time before kiki and alex got there. she took some time getting out of bed but after a little while she got to her bathroom to turn on the shower. while the shower turned hot she went down to say good morning to her mom. as she went down the stairs she quietly yelled.

"mom? are you here?"

no answer. as she entered the kitchen she saw a little sticky note on the kitchen counter.

"needed to leave early today, im sorry for not saying it yesterday
have a good day, love you"

sasha felt kinda bad for her mom, as she worked hard these days. sasha often had to make food for her brother and their mom came home late. this is all because of her dad. he lives in portugal because of his job and never comes and visits. but he had always been kinda distant so this was not something new. sasha really wanted to get an own job so she could help her mother out but-

"sasha to earth, hello?" mateo interrupted, while walking down the stairs. "the shower has been on for like a good 10 minutes", he continued as he made himself breakfast.
"dang, thanks mateo!" she walked up to her bathroom and started her morning. she had one hour to get ready and sasha was not a fast person.

sasha managed to not be late even tho she got in the shower a little late. she actually had some time to spare when she was done with her makeup and outfit. she took her bag, turned of the lights, checked if mateo had left which he had and then sat in the kitchen waiting to get a text from either kiki or alex. 5 minutes later she got a text from alex. she took her things and did in fact not forget her airpods and then went out the door. she locked it and went in the back of the car as alex was in the front with kiki playing music.

"good mooooorning" alex sang out and got sasha laughing.
"gooooood morning" sasha answered with the same energy.
"yall ready for breakfast" kiki said as she started the car.
"YES" alex and sasha answered at the same time.

alex turned down the music when they got closer to star bucks. they got their usual things and found a good parking spot in the shadow. they took of their seatbelts and kiki and alex turned around to face sasha as they ate and gossiped.

"i totally forgot to tell you about a thing that happened yesterday day" sasha randomly said when no one else were talking.
"i was at mateo's volleyball practice to pick him up. and while i was waiting on him a got a volleyball in the head"
kiki and alex looked at each other and started laughing.
"wait" she said and they got quiet. "the the boy that threw the ball came up to me and said sorry. and then when i was about to go i said bye but didn't know his name, he said his name was brady, i simply said bye brady and was about to go when he asked me for my name. i said you just hit me in the head, not the best way to ask a girl for her name".

kiki and alexa looked at me with open mouths.
"you said that?!" kiki said
"yeah but the thing is he was so fine. he was brunette and had like green eyes and freckles"
alexa took out her phone and went on insta. not even seconds later she had an account on her screen.
"did he look like this?"
"yeah that's him! how did you find him so easily?" sasha asked.
"he's an actor, brady noon. does it sound familiar? it haven't heard about him before" alex answered as she turned around to signal to kiki that they needed to leave.

kiki turned around starting the car. sasha just sat in the back shocked. she hadn't given out her name to a good looking guy, that was also a actor, that went to their school!? and she hadn't even heard about him till now? he must be new or something. she put her head in her hands, trying to think with the few brain cells she had. why she was THAT stupid.

as they rolled in in the school's parking lot the shock had sank in a little. why would
sasha mani care about a boy she only knew the name of? she got her things as they parked and got out of the car.

"i need to leave for math class, but i'll see you at lunch?" sasha said
"yes, see you at lunch" kiki said and alexa gave sasha a side hug.

sasha started walking towards her locker. she put her air pods in and put on her playlist. pink matter by frank ocean started playing. she took a deep breath as the song began because that's what a frank ocean song does to you. she opened her locker, put her bag in and took out her math book. she checked the time as she locked her locker and headed to class. she was a little early but her grade in math was so bad that she just tried to be nice towards ms white and hoped that would save her.

"good morning ms white" sasha smiled at the blonde teacher as she walked in the classroom. she paused her music.
"good morning sasha, how was your summer break?" ms white asked
"it was good, but in excited to be back" sasha lied
ms white smiled at her and sasha turned around and headed to her seat that she was given.

some minutes passed and more people started dropping in. sasha wasn't usually super early to her lessons so waiting for the lesson to start was something new.
ms white closed the door when the clock was 9:30. she talked a little about the summer and that we would take it easy today, as it was the first day back to school. she gave out some papers that the class was going to work with. as they all started working and sasha unpaused her music. a light knock on the door made some of the students lift their head as well as ms white's. the teacher got up and opened the door and let the person in. sasha looked up from her paper to see a familiar brunette boy standing at the front of the classroom talking with ms white. she quickly looked down at her paper again. why was she reacting like this?

she looked up again and saw the boy turn towards her. she looked down once again and didn't look up. well that was until she saw a figure sit down besides her. why did he need to sit besides her? and why were she reacting like this? she didn't know.

she kept working till she felt a little tap on her shoulder. she looked up and saw brady. she took out her one of airpods to hear what he wanted to say.

"do i get to know your name now or are the work to interesting?" he whispered.
sasha looked at him, kinda embarrassed before she answered.
"the work is really interesting so.." she joked
brady looked offended and sasha smiled a little as she found it funny
"im just playing, my name is sasha"
"okay, thank you sasha for finally telling me" brady said back

"are you new here? i feel like i haven't seen you around before" she asked before the conversation died.
"yeah me and my twin started like one month before summer break last semester"
"oh okay, i get it then" she answered as she put in her airpod again.
"what are you listening too? he asked her.
"right now, my eyes by travis scott" sasha answered.
brady seemed satisfied with the answer and that made sasha smile a little as she went back doing her work.

the bell rang and all the students stood up and left the class. sasha said bye to ms white and headed to her locker. she needed to find kiki and lex and talk about the 3 minute long interaction with brady.

lolos note! hiiiiii do you guys like so far?i think it's going kinda fast but we are just trying to build up a friendship after that it will be a slow burn

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lolos note!
do you guys like so far?
i think it's going kinda fast but we are just trying to build up a friendship after that it will be a slow burn. (a least i will try 😭)
p.s all the songs in this book is basically my music taste soooo ya 👍

math lessons ; brady noonWhere stories live. Discover now