04 | running late

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the next day sasha woke up to her brother storming into her bedroom.

"sasha!" mateo screamed jumping onto her bed
"what is it?!" she said still with closed eyes
"it's almost 8:00 and you start at 8:30 and i was supposed to go with you, kiki and alex today!" he quickly got off the bed and sasha did too.

she quickly messaged kiki asking when she would arrive. not even a minute later she got a text back saying that she would be there around 8:15. sasha quickly did her skincare and brushed her hair. she sprinted down the stairs into the kitchen. she made herself a quick sandwich and tried to down it as fast as she could.

"mateo have you eaten anything?" she said with her mouth full of food as her brother came into their kitchen.
"yes a banana" he answered as he sat down at the kitchen counter
"not enough, here make a sandwich" sasha said as she placed all the things she had used for her sandwich infront of him.

she finally swallowed her own food and went back to her room to change into something else. she put on a black tank top and some wide grey sweatpants. she put up her hair into a bun and called it the day. she put on some perfume because the last thing she wanted was to smell bad. today was thursday so she quickly went through her lessons in her head as she brushed her teeth. she didn't have PE so she didn't need anything for that but she did have math, english and history. she rinsed her toothbrush and went down the stairs.

"mateo let's go, we need to put on our jackets today" she said and stopped at the kitchen entrance to she her brother cleaning up after himself.
"yes im coming" he answered as he closed the fridge.

"did you brush your teeth?" sasha asked when they put on their jackets and shoes.
"yes" mateo answered
"did you you do your homework as i told you to do yesterday?"
"umm-" but he was interrupted by sasha's phone calling.
it was kiki saying she was there.
"she's here" sasha said when she ended the call and then followed her brother out the door and locked it.

"so what where you about to say? did you do your homework?" sasha asked again.
"i forgot" mateo mumbled as they got into the back of car
"oh my gosh, mateo!" sasha said in a irritated tone
"im sorry, but it's human to make mistakes!" he answered angrily
"good morning sasha! good morning mateo! kiki said
"good morning" the siblings answered in sync and then stopped talking to each other.

they both knew that if they stopped talking they would forget about it in 5 minutes. they were pretty close for their age gap and could barely stay mad at each other. mostly because of that sasha took care of mateo so much.

"where's alex?" sasha asked
"she had some really bad cramps, but i thinks she's coming tomorrow" kiki answered but kept her eyes in the road. the rest of the ride was quiet other than the music kiki was playing.

when they arrived to school mateo and sasha quickly got out of the car. sasha bent down and fixed her brothers hair and shirt and then said goodbye. she gave him a kiss on the cheek as he hugged her. he made a grossed out face as a joke and then went to his building.

"you guys are my favourite siblings" kiki said when they walked in the school building. the clock was 8:36 and sasha was late for math class. kiki didn't start until 9:00 but was kind enough drive them to school still.

they went over to sasha's locker so she could get her things. she opened her locker and got her books. then she took of her jacket and put it in.

"thank you for driving us, we would of been super late if you didn't exist. we woke up like 20 minutes before you came" sasha said
"what? but no problem baby" kiki answered with a wink.
sasha just laughed at her as she closed her locker and started to walk too her math class. she and kiki talked about a new movie they both wanted to see on the way. when they arrived at the door they hugged and said goodbye.

sasha really hated to be late because she hated to go into a classroom full of people. she stood there for a good 2 minutes before finally knocking. ms white opened the door and smiled at her. sasha explained that she had forgotten to set her alarm and that was why she was 10 minutes late.

she entered the door to be met by all eyes on her. but she noticed a pair of eyes of the person on the seat next to her. she completely forgot that brady was in this class. she probably looked so stupid without her makeup. she just looked down and went to site down.

all her classmates went back to doing their work, that including brady. she opened her book and took out a pen. she leaned a little closer to brady, just to see what pages they were working with. brady noticed that and looked at her.

"sorry, what pages?" she whispered and scooted back to her original place.
"46" brady whispered back.
"where have you been?" sasha asked at the same time as she flipped to the right page in the book
"i've been sick, why? you missed me?" brady smirked at her
she gave him a "are you for real" stare and then started working. but she could feel the butterflies in her stomach and told herself to stop reacting like this.

after half a hour sasha couldn't focus anymore so she took a break. she looked over at brady that was half asleep, laying over his books.

"brady!" she said quietly
"hmm?" he said opening one eye but then turning his head toward her but still laying down.
"ava invited me to hang out with you guys this weekend, what day are you planning?" sasha asked looking at brady and then to see if ms white saw them talking.
"noooo, she invited you?" he said jokingly acting disgusted before continuing.
"mcdonald, saturday at 7 pm i think" he said instead
"okay, good" sasha answered
"and then another thing" she continued
"yes?" brady still looked at her. he noticed that she had a mole on her cheek and one over her left eyebrow.
"follow me on insta, i saw that you had been on my profile you know" sasha said trying not to laugh.

brady's eyes widened a little, snapping back to reality by that sentence. he laughed quietly and then went back to "sleeping".
he actually just didn't want her to see that she got him turning red from embarrassment so he tried to hid his face in his arms.

she took that as a sign to end the conversation and go back to work. she was happy that she had plans this weekend and maybe this would be the perfect opportunity to get to know brady better.

little did she know that this was a start to something so much bigger.

lolos note!!yalllllllllllllllllok we been moving fast and now it will be more of a slow burn (i will at least try too)ANOTHER INTERACTION OK I SEE YOUand remember the little fact that brady was sleeping during the lesson it ,ay be important later

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lolos note!!
ok we been moving fast and now it will be more of a slow burn (i will at least try too)
and remember the little fact that brady was sleeping during the lesson it ,ay be important later ..
don't forget to vote and why not leave a comment!? thank you very much much pookie ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️

math lessons ; brady noonWhere stories live. Discover now