Chained with Goo

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A/N: Didn't check spelling errors so sorry if there are any!

Scott looked up at Lydia from where he sat on the ground his eyes wide in disbelief. "You're sure it wasn't The Nogitsune? You're sure it was Stiles?" He sighed nervously as he ran his hands through his wet hair that rested on his sweaty forehead, moving it away from his felid of view. His brown eyes pierced into her averting gaze, obviously trying to avoid the weight of this situation.

Lydia twirled her strawberry blonde hair nervously as she finally met Scott's piercing gaze. "Yep I'm sure...believe me I got a nice..." She stopped and took a deep breath,"Long look."She muttered finally pulling away from the awkward eye contact to look around at the black abyss still surrounding them. There didn't seem to be a way out.

Scott got up slowly his body achingly sore. He groaned in slight pain as he stood up taking in the scenery around him. "So how do we get further I- uhm... I'm not seeing any doors." He sighed rubbing the back of his neck with hand, trying to massage the soreness away.

    Lydia looked around once more trying to see if something randomly appeared. "I don't know but I have a feeling we're close. He doesn't want us to continue that's why there are no doors. We're going to have to guess the rest of our way to Stiles." Lydia said as she began to walk right into more darkness.

    "Where are you going?" Scott yelled as he raised his arms up in disbelief at his sides. he stood there confused. Scott ran his hands through his hair in frustration. "How do we know this isn't just another trick!?" He yelled suddenly, in fury as he kept his hands through his hair. He finally moved his hands back down to his sides letting his sweaty hair fall back in front of his eyes, making the area surrounding him even more dark.

    Lydia could feel her heartbeat rising not only because of fear but anger. "I know because I saw him! I looked in his eyes and saw the light being sucked right out of them! We're loosing Stiles and you're worrying this might be a trick!? How could you even say that!?" Lydia's breath quickened with her rising anger. The tears in her eyes just came naturally. She always began to tear up when she yelled or had any strong emotion for that matter. Although she was tearing up you could tell by her whole demeanor, she was pissed. She moved her pointer finger below her eye and wiped it, trying to not ruin her mascara.

Scott looked as if at a loss for words. He sighed as he averting his gaze the left knowing that if he tried to press Lydia to talk about it, it would lead to a breakdown. Although he was still angry he knew Lydia was right. "Sorry Lydia... I shouldn't be worrying about if it's a trick I should be worried about Stiles." He muttered with a hint of annoyance as he finally caught up to Lydia. Lydia looked up at him but didn't bother to muster a nice comment or a smile. Instead she looked so angry not just with Scott but with The Nogitsune. She thought about what Scott had said and although it upset her deeply to think about he could be right...but she hopes he isn't.

    Scott and Lydia kept walking and walking. Scotts head hung low, he was not only exhausted from all this walking but from the heavy weight of guilt he felt. He should've believed Stiles when he told Scott not to trust him, but he didn't listen...he never does.

Lydia on the other hand stood tall and would continuously scoff at Scott's mopey behavior. Scott had always been so driven to save his friends but now he acts as if he could care less. It seems as if he's just ready to leave. Lydia was so deep in her own thoughts she didn't even notice Scott. His head had shot up like a bullet. Scott pulled her back towards him by her shoulder. She lowered her head a bit and crossed her arms as she whispered, "What?" Her voice still had a hint of annoyance but even if she was annoyed she didn't want whatever Scott took notice of to hear her.

    Scott looked around in all directions of this hard to detect, dark area. "I hear...Stiles." He muttered, all anger and exhaustion he had previously held had melted away. He cocked his head in front of where him and Lydia stood. "This way." Scott's walking turned into running in an instant. Lydia struggled to keep up since he had gotten a head start. After what felt like forever of this awkward running in silence Scott finally came to a halt. He didn't even need to catch his breath like the normal person would. He kept looking all around him trying to find where this noise came from.

    Lydia finally caught up to Scott's fast pace. She then bent down, her breath fast and heavy and, put her hands on her knees and looked down at the dark floor. "Y-You know you could slow down the p-pace...right!?"
She said in a rushed voice as she tried to catch her breath. Scott didn't seem to notice her awkward smile when she said it, he was so focused on this sound. Lydia stood up suddenly and looked around with Scott. Lydia could finally hear it. It was a faint sound but a sound nonetheless. Lydia still a bit winded walked closer to Scott. "Where's it even coming from?" She said as she looked high and low her eyes scanning and searching every area she could see.

    Scott looked at Lydia as he sighed. "Everywhere." The previously faint sound had grown louder and louder. Scott looked around hearing mangled sentences and conversations.

"Just let her go!" They heard Stiles cry out.

"Let me in!" The Nogitsune screamed at Stiles in anger.

"You think this was really meant to hurt me Lydia?" Stiles yelled in anger. Lydia remembered that interaction quite well.

"Wake up Stiles...WAKE UP!" Stiles screamed in panic, it sounded so painful.

They heard him screaming, his cries, his fury. Is this really what Stiles has gone through? "Where do we go now!?" Lydia yelled over the painful screams and cries of their friend as she covered her ears.

Scott covered his ears as he looked and searched for a way out then he finally saw it... a door! Scott's eyes widened in surprise but he smiled and looked over at Lydia. "Look there's a door!" He screamed over all of Stiles mixed voices. Lydia and Scott began to walk over to the door still covering their ears from the loudness that was Stiles mind. They finally were in front of the door, Lydia and Scott both looked and each other, smiled and nodded.

Lydia's hands had barely grazed the handle until chains came up from the black gooey floor and wrapped around their ankles. Those chained felt so sticky and unsettling as they dragged Scott and Lydia down. "Scott what's happening!?" Lydia screamed in disgust and fear her face pale due to the disgusting feeling on her ankle. They were about chest level deep now.

Scott tried to pull himself up but his arms were already buried. "I don't know, I-!" Scott yelled as he was abruptly cut off. They were almost all the way pulled down through the goo. They could barely breath and in one last attempt for air they were fully submerged.

"You went somewhere that wasn't supposed to be found." They recognized that voice. It was Stiles but by the tone of voice it was clearly The Nogitsune.

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